Entering Basic Project Information

To add basic project information to a new project, do the following:

  1. ClosedSelect to create a new project.
    • Click Application Links on the Dashboard navigation panel, and then click New project under Workstream.
    • In Workstream, do one of the following: 
      • Click and click New.
      • Open either the Home > Project Search view or a project view, and then click New in the Edit group on the Home ribbon.
  2. Select the clients for the project. For instructions, see Selecting Clients for New Projects
  3. Click Project Information on the navigation panel.
  4. Select the project template. The primary service type and Closedcreation frequency from the template are applied to the project automatically and cannot be edited.

    The creation frequency determines the number of projects that are created and reduces the effort needed for recurring work. If more than one project is created, such as a monthly or weekly project, the multiple projects are listed in each project's profile on the Related Projects tab. The available frequencies are:

    Important: The template cannot be changed after exiting this window.

    Tip: Click View Templates to display all available templates. Clicking the icon next to a template opens the template so you can view, or, if you have appropriate permissions, edit it.

  5. If the creation frequency is anything other than annual or one-time only, select the first project of the series. This value cannot be changed after the project is created.
  6. In the Year to assign to first project's start date box, select the year when work will begin on the project. For tax returns, this year might not match the tax year of the return.

    Important: By default, the next form due dates are calculated from this year, not by the fiscal year. If needed and you have been granted the Override Form Due Dates permission, you can override the project's form due dates on the Form Due Dates tab. This tab is visible after you save the project.

  7. Enter the fiscal year for the project. If you don't select a year, the current year is the default. For tax returns, this year should match the tax year of the return. The date you select here is used on the Key Tracking Dates tab for the project.

    Important: Changing the fiscal year does not change any form due dates or planned dates. You should review these dates if you change the fiscal year.

  8. Enter a project ID.
  9. Enter a project name. The project name cannot be added or changed after exiting this window.
  10. If needed, select to append additional text to the end of the project name. The Closedoptions that are available depend on the creation frequency selected. These options cannot be changed after the project is created.
    • Creation frequency is anything other than annual or one-time only. You can select to append a period to the end of the project name (for example, Payroll - Quarter 1). The period is included in the window title and main view as part of the project name.
    • Creation frequency is annual or one-time. You can enter text to follow the project name (for example, Payroll - [text entered manually]). The text you enter is included in the window title and main view as part of the project name.
  11. Select the Closedaction to be taken if a duplicate project is found. A project is considered a duplicate if the combination of Client ID, project ID, frequency, and planning dates, is not unique.

    Note: If two projects share the same Client ID, project ID, and frequency, but one project has planning dates and the other does not, the two projects are not considered duplicates.

  12. Click Continue. If needed, edit the project dates. For an explanation of how the shown planned start and finish dates that display were calculated see How Project Planning Dates are Calculated.
  13. Click Continue again. If needed, click Manage form due dates and edit the form due dates.

    Note: This option only displays when adding a project that has statutory form due dates. You must have been granted the Override Form Due Dates permission to edit form due dates.

  14. If needed, click Confirm planned workstep dates and edit the workstep dates as needed.
  15. Click Create & Close.
  16. Once a project is completed, you can open the project profile to enter or modify the additional information that is part of the project.