Managing Form Due Dates in Projects

When you select Yes to Track statutory due dates and to Use CCH forms to calculate statutory due dates on a project's General Information tab, you can use the Form Due Dates window to select the forms used for calculating statutory due dates in the project.

For detailed information about how form due dates are calculated, see About Form Due Date Calculation Rules.

To manage form due dates, do the following:

  1. Open the project profile.
  2. Click Form Due Dates on the navigation panel.
  3. Do any of the following as needed:
    • ClosedAdd a form due date to the project.
      1. Click Firm Form Due Dates on the button bar. You can also right-click and select Firm Form Due Dates from the menu.
      2. Locate and select the form you need. See Selecting Form Due Dates for more information.
      3. Click Done.
    • ClosedRemove a form due date.
      1. Select a form due date in the grid.
      2. Click Remove on the button bar. You can also right-click and select Remove from the menu.
      3. Click Remove again to confirm the deletion.
    • ClosedCreate a workstep and assign it to a form due date.
      1. Click Create Worksteps in the button bar. You can also right-click and select Create Workstep from the menu.
      2. Enter the workstep information. See About Worksteps for more information.
      3. Click OK.
      4. In the grid, select an option from the Related Workstep column for each form due date as needed.
    • ClosedOpen and edit or review a workstep.
      1. Select the form with the workstep you want to open.
      2. Click Open Workstep in the button bar or right-click and select Open Workstep.
      3. Make any needed edits, and then click OK.
    • Select a filing method. In the Filing Method column, select the method to be used for each form.
    • Extend or unextend a form. Right-click a form in the grid and select Extend or Unextend. Forms can be extended twice. See Extending or Unextending a Form for more information.
    • Clear an override. Form due dates that have been overridden display in a red font. Right-click a form in the grid and select Clear Override.

      Note: You must have the Override Form Due Date permission granted to you to override or clear an override on a form due date.

    • Complete or reopen a form. Right-click a form in the grid and select Mark as complete or Reopen Form.
    • Recalculate form due dates. Right-click the form in the grid and select Recalculate Form Due Dates.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedExplain the columns in the grid.