Setting Key Tracking Dates in a Project

The Key Tracking Dates window allows you to set deadline and milestone dates for a project. You can also specify the methods used to set milestone dates.

The project deadline options displayed on this window are determined by:

  • The project's source (for example, if it comes from a template or is a copy of another project)
  • Selections on the Project - General Information window
  • Whether CCH forms are used


  • The Milestone dates section is available only if you answered Yes to the Track milestone dates question in the Project - General Information window.
  • Some fields are not available if you select to update multiple projects at one time.

To manage key tracking dates for a project, do the following:

  1. Open the project.
  2. Click Key Tracking Dates on the navigation panel.
  3. Confirm or update the Closedproject deadlines.
  4. If your project is not tracking milestone dates, continue to the last step. Otherwise, you can do any of the following:
    • ClosedAdd milestone dates.
      1. Click Milestone Dates on the button bar.
      2. In the top box, select a milestone to assign to the projects, and then click. Repeat as needed until all the needed milestones are added.
      3. Click OK.
    • Delete a milestone date. Select an unlocked milestone date and click Remove.
  5. Confirm or update the method to set the project milestone dates.

  6. Click one of the ClosedSave options.