Selecting Form Due Dates

You can select the form due dates that are available in projects. These selections can be made at both the template and project level. Once you have added a form, you can add or edit due dates and extension dates for the form as well.

ClosedTell me about adding due dates in templates.

If you assign form due dates in a template, projects created from the template inherit the form due dates.

If a template includes locked forms, projects created from the template receive the forms according to the planned start date. Unlocked forms are added to projects created from a template after you save your changes.

ClosedHow are forms automatically distributed across linked projects?

  • Annual or Fiscal Year End projects adding One Time Only or Annual forms. Forms you add will be added to the selected project, and only the selected project.
  • Monthly or Quarterly projects adding non-annual or multiple instance forms. If any form in the series was calculated prior to the selected project's planned start date, the form is added to the previous project in the series. However, if the previous project is marked complete, and the project has been rolled forward, then the form due date is added to the rolled forward project. If the completed project has not been rolled forward, the form is added to the completed project with a Closed status.
    • The planned start date is entered. Each instance of the form is added to each project based on the planned start date of the project. The form due date will be on or after the planned start date.
    • The planned start date is unknown for any project in the series. You are required to distribute all forms. The form defaults to the project you had opened when you began adding forms.

Important: Projects must have a planned start date to receive a new form.

To select form due dates for a project or template, do the following:

  1. Open the template or project that you want to select form due dates for.
  2. Click Form Due Dates on the navigation panel.
  3. Click Firm Form Due Dates on the button bar, or right-click the grid and select Form Due Dates from the menu.
  4. In the Form Dates to include section, Closedenter criteria to identify the forms you want to include due dates for.
    • Text box. Enter one or more form names in the box, if you know the name.
    • Form types. Select the check boxes next to one or more form types.
    • Taxing authorities. Select one or more taxing authorities for the form due dates.
  5. Click Search.
  6. In the Search results section, select the check boxes for the form due dates you want to include.

    Tip: If needed, you can change the field used for grouping the search results. Click either Taxing authority or Form Type to change the grouping.

    Note: If the form you need isn't listed, click Refine Search to revise your search criteria.

  7. If needed, expand the Review forms included section to see the list of selected forms. Click to remove any form due dates that you don't want to include, or click Add More to include additional form due dates.
  8. Click Done.
  9. If needed, select a workstep for the form due date in the Related Workstep column. You can also Closedcreate a workstep for the form due date.
    1. Select the form in the grid.
    2. Click Create Worksteps in the button bar, or right-click and select Create Workstep.
    3. Configure the workstep information.
    4. Click OK.
  10. If needed, select a filing method for the form due date in the Filing Method column.
  11. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.