About Worksteps

You can break down the work that is required to complete a project into worksteps. Worksteps can be very granular or very broad, depending on the project and your firm's needs.

Example: You are working on a very complex and unique project which requires several types of research. In this case, you create individual worksteps for each research task to ensure that none are forgotten or missed. However, on simpler, more routine return preparation projects, you just create a single workstep representing the entire research phase.

Worksteps can be sequential, meaning one workstep must be completed before the next workstep can be started. If multiple people must work on the same workstep concurrently, you can create a workstep group. All of the individual tasks within a workstep group must be completed before the next workstep can begin.

Worksteps can be added to templates and to projects. If you add worksteps to a template, any projects that are created from that template going forward will include the worksteps. If needed, you can lock worksteps in a template to ensure that they cannot be deleted or omitted from projects.

Click a link to the right to learn more about managing worksteps.