About Form Due Date Calculation Rules

The month and day of a form due date is calculated based on either a calendar year or the client's fiscal year-end date.

  • Calendar-based forms. The month and date are calculated as entered. The project's planned start date and the project start year are used to determine due dates. The form is assigned to the month and day on or after the project's planned start date.

    Example: Quarterly estimated tax payments are due on the same dates — January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15 — for all tax payers, regardless of their fiscal year-end dates.

  • Fiscal year end forms. The month is calculated as X months from the fiscal year end, and Y days within the calculated month.

    Examples: A form has a due date rule set to calculate for the 15th day of the fourth month after the fiscal year end. For a client with a June 30 fiscal year end, the due date is October 15. A client with a December 31 fiscal year end will have an April 15 due date.

If a project does not have a planned start date, the calculation is based on whether a year was assigned in the Year to assign to first project's start date on the Project Information tab when the project was created.

Note: These same calculation rules apply when a project is being rolled forward.

You cannot change a form's due date calculation rule. However, if you have been granted the Override Form Due Date permission, you can override the calculated date for an open form in a project. Form due dates that have been overridden display in a red font in the project profile and in the route sheet.