Getting Started

Workstream provides tools to coordinate your firm's work. In Workstream, work is organized as projects, which can be any task or collection of tasks that has a deliverable associated with it. You can set up projects with due dates. Then, if needed, you can add worksteps, employee assignments, budgets, and other details at a later time.

Your firm's processes can be automated to help accurately budget hours so projects are completed on time. Using these tools, you can improve productivity, resulting in more billable hours and higher profits.

If this is your first time using Workstream, we recommend performing the following activities to become more familiar with the program:

  1. Review Best Practices to learn about high-level practices that can help set your firm up for success.
  2. Learn about the project setup hierarchy that allows your firm to pre-populate similar projects with basic information so you don't have to create each new project from scratch.
  3. Learn how to navigate the Workstream interface. We also recommend getting familiar with the Dashboard panes that allow you to manage your work. Then, you can customize your workspace.
  4. Next, learn how to search for and edit an existing project.
  5. Finally, spend some time learning how to create a project.

You can access your projects on your mobile device. You can view a client's open projects, your assigned projects, and update the status of a project during transaction entry. CCH Axcess is available on both Apple and Android devices, with views customized for both phones and tablets.