Reviewing the Diagnostic Report

The diagnostic report displays tabs for each item that will be migrated. You should review all three of the views for each tab to see what item can be corrected in your existing foundation suite prior to migration.

To view the diagnostic report, do the following:

  1. Perform the process described in Running a Diagnostic Report.
  2. Select a tab, and then select a view.

    • Exact match. Each record in the left table has an exact match in CCH Axcess based on the matching criteria you selected earlier. None of the existing foundation records will migrate to CCH Axcess since they already have an exact match. However, if the record in CCH Axcess has blank fields that contain information in the existing foundation suite, and you selected to migrate profile data into corresponding blank fields in the existing CCH Axcess profile, then that information will flow to CCH Axcess.
    • No match. None of the records shown in the left table have an exact or possible match in CCH Axcess. All of these records will be migrated to CCH Axcess.
    • Possible match. Select a current record in the left table to see the records in CCH Axcess that are possible matches.
    • Returns.  Any returns that have been downloaded will not be migrated by default. These returns display in the Returns with downloaded status section. You can override this option during migration. For more information, see Selecting Return Options.
  3. If needed, click to save the report to an XLS or XLSX file.
  4. Click Finish to return to the Welcome window.