Using the Requests Dashboard

The Requests dashboard, which opens by default when you log in, is the heart of Client Collaboration. It allows you to see at a glance how requests are progressing through the workflow. It also draws attention to requests that might need additional attention.

Click the thumbnail image below to see an example of the Requests Dashboard.

You can use the links on the dashboard tiles to open status pages. These pages list all the requests that are in that particular status. The status views are where you can take action on a particular request.

The tiles that are on the dashboard include:

Tile Description
Request Status Displays information about the number of requests in each workflow status. Click a status wedge in the pie chart or a status name to open a list of returns in that status.
New Document Received Indicates the number of requests for which clients have submitted new documents since your firm last downloaded files for the requests. Click this tile to see a list of requests with new documents. You can then download the new files.
Reopen Indicates the number of requests that clients have requested to be reopened. Click View reopen requests to see the list of requests and to reopen the requests.
Overdue Indicates the number of incomplete requests that are past the original due date. Click View overdue requests to see the list of overdue requests. Depending on the circumstances, you might need to resend the invitation, or delete or close the request.
Errors Indicates the number of requests with issues that are preventing the requests from sending successfully. Click View errors to see the list of these requests, along with more information about the error.
Sending Details Provides information about the number of batch requests that have been processed, as well as an indication of their success or failure. Click View batch requests to view information about specific batch jobs

Tip: To return to the Requests dashboard from any other page in Client Collaboration, click , and then select Requests. If you are on a request status page, you can also click above the list to return to the dashboard.