Using Best Practices

Review the following recommended best practices for migrating your data from your existing foundation suite to CCH Axcess.

The most important best practice is to prepare your data prior to migration. This will save you time during the migration process.

Important: Staff who will migrate data must be assigned to the Full Rights security group to ensure all required permissions for this function are granted. Staff assigned to the Full Rights security group cannot be assigned to another security group that denies the permissions necessary for successful data migration.

ClosedCCH® ProSystem fx® Tax

  • Review your database for consistency, duplicates, and missing information.
  • Make any necessary changes to your database prior to beginning the migration.

Clients. Check the following information for your clients:

Example: If you are using delimiters, such as periods or dashes, to identify sub-IDs in the client ID, enter the same delimiter for all clients with sub-IDs.

Staff. Verify the following staff information:

Make all user IDs meet the following criteria:

  • Not case sensitive
  • From 6 to 50 characters
  • Only include alphanumeric or the following special characters:
    • @ (at)
    • . (period)
    • - (hyphen)
    • _ (underscore)
  • Do not include spaces
  • Unique within the firm

Note: A soft deletedClosed Records deleted from the active system but included in historical references. user ID cannot be reused.

Use the staff data spreadsheet generator to enter staff email addresses and staff IDs and make any needed changes to the staff name. Staff email address is required in CCH Axcess. The spreadsheet generator is located in the Prepare staff and client data section of the Welcome window. You can import this spreadsheet during staff migration.

  • Data Migration will automatically import staff email addresses from the existing foundation suite in Office Manager > Configure Staff. You will have the ability to change the email addresses before migration.

Note: Email addresses are required because staff are sent an email that includes their user ID and temporary password they will use to access CCH Axcess.

Will you use Active Directory? CCH Axcess will now integrate with Active Directory. If you currently use Active Directory authentication, it is not required to migrate staff since you can import these staff from Active Directory. However, if you choose to migrate your staff prior to integrating with Active Directory, you have the potential to duplicate staff, which will require you to manually clean up the database.

Important: When staff are migrated or imported through Active Directory, none of the current permissions will be migrated. All permissions must be configured.

Signers (Tax Preparers). In CCH Axcess, tax preparers are now called signers. All signers must be associated with a staff in CCH Axcess.

If you have tax preparers in Office Manager who are not users, enter a unique email address for them. The email address will be used to create a staff in CCH Axcess for the signer.

Enter the appropriate PTIN, SSN, or EIN information for the preparer in the existing foundation suite.

Note: Only returns for the last seven tax years will be migrated into CCH Axcess.

ClosedCCH® ProSystem fx® Practice

Create a firm migration plan. If you are migrating multiple products, databases, or offices into a single account in CCH Axcess, you should create a firm migration plan. This would list the order in which you will migrate the various databases, since each account or product must be migrated in a separate session.

Verify your Practice version. You should be using version 8.0 or higher. You can do this when logged into CCH ProSystem fx Practice (existing foundation suite) by selecting the Help menu and then selecting About CCH ProSystem fx Practice.

Verify the Firm’s System Administrator. This can be found in the Administrative area in CCH ProSystem fx Practice (existing foundation suite) under the Firm Setup > Firm Properties > System/Other tab. This login and password, and its password (if applicable), are necessary to run the Data Migration Utility.

Print and follow the pre-migration checklist. See the checklist for more information.

Print and review the other help articles. Review all help articles that pertain to your data migration. These articles are found in the Migrating Practice section of the Table of Contents.

Back up the database. Make a backup of your database prior to running the migration utilities and beginning the migration.

Use available utilities to assist in preparing your database for migration.

  • Run Diagnostics. On the Data Migration Utility Welcome window, click Migration diagnostics to run the diagnostic report on each of your databases. This will check for questionable data and allow you to address possible issues before you begin the migration.

Schedule the migration. Choose a time when users will not require access to the existing foundation suite database. it is recommended that a period of low activity be chosen in which to perform the migration process to minimize the impact on productivity.

Complete migration quickly. Once the migration has started, it is recommended to spend as little time as possible between phases. It is also recommended that users not be allowed to enter new information in the existing foundation suite once the migration has begun. The existing foundation suite database is locked during migration.

Save migration reports. At several points during the migration you will have the opportunity to save reports of migrated data. Please save these reports to a location where they can be easily accessed later, if necessary.

Print and review the post-migration/startup checklist. Available here.

It is highly recommended that once the migration is complete, all work be performed in CCH Axcess.

ClosedCCH® ProSystem fx® Practice Management

Create a firm migration plan. If you are migrating multiple products, databases, or offices into a single account in CCH Axcess, you should create a firm migration plan. This would list the order in which you will migrate the various databases, since each account or product must be migrated in a separate session.

Verify your CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management version. You should be using version 2006.60.01 or higher and SQL 2000 SP3 or higher. You can verify this when logged into the Administration module of CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management (existing foundation suite) by selecting the Help menu and then selecting About CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management.

Verify the Firm System Administrator (SA). Verify the following:

  • MSDE. The SA password was defined during the install.
  • SQL 2005 Express. The default password for the Practicemgt instance of Microsoft® SQL 2005 Express installed with the CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management program is PractriceUser1.
  • Full SQL. The SA password is defined during the install. If you are unsure of your password, please contact your system administrator who installed SQL.

Print and follow the pre-migration checklist. See the checklist for more information.

Print and review the other help articles. Review all help articles that pertain to your data migration. These articles are found in the Migrating Practice section of the Table of Contents.

Back up the database. Make a backup of your database prior to running the migration utilities and beginning the migration.

Use available utilities to assist in preparing your database for migration.

  • Run the Data Integrity Report. Prior to beginning any migration steps, run the Data Integrity Report from the Reports module of the existing foundation suite, and correct any errors that may appear.

  • Note: Migrating Practice Management to CCH Axcess with items on Data Integrity could potentially cause irreparable damage to client balances and historical data.

  • Run Diagnostics. On the Data Migration Utility Welcome window, select Migration diagnostics to run the diagnostic report on each of your databases. This will check for questionable data and allow you to address possible issues before you begin the migration.

Schedule the migration. Choose a time when users will not require access to the existing foundation suite database. it is recommended that a period of low activity be chosen in which to perform the migration process to minimize the impact on productivity.

Complete migration quickly. Once the migration has started, try to complete it as quickly as possible with little time between phases. It is also recommended that users not be allowed to enter new information in the existing foundation suite once the database migration has begun. The existing foundation suite database is locked during migration.

Save migration reports. At several points during the migration you will have the opportunity to save reports of migrated data. Please save these reports to a location where they can be easily accessed later, if necessary.

Print and review the post-migration/startup checklist. Available here.

It is highly recommended that once the migration is complete, all work be performed in CCH Axcess.