Practice Post-migration/Startup Checklist

Initial Setup Options

ClosedFirm Setup. Dashboard > Application Links > Firm > Settings and defaults

Review and complete the following:

General. Firm's Name, Address, Phone Number, and other information.

Custom Addresses and Phones. Additional Address, Phone Number, Email, and Instant Messenger Types.

Email Settings. A confidentiality note for emails sent directly from CCH Axcess, if desired.

Note: This may duplicate signatures or confidentiality notes already set up in Microsoft® Outlook®.

Setup Defaults. Firm defaults for use of Sub-IDs, Individual Clients' sort-name structure, Report name structure, Phone and Extension Masks, and Research Tools options.

Organizational Units. The setup of Offices, Business Units, and Regions.

Login Setup. The setup of Login mode, including Active Directory settings, Session Timeout settings, and Password Configuration settings.

Print. The Watermark setup.

ClosedPractice Setup. Dashboard > Application Links > Firm > Settings and defaults > Practice

Review and complete the following:

Accounts Receivable. Auto-distribute and Undistributed payments and credit options.

Billing Settings. Billing default settings, including Firm Defaults, Invoice Template, Office setup options, Invoice date options, and how to prorate write-up and write-down.

Holiday Planner. Work week dates, as well as important Firm dates.

Other Practice Settings. Fiscal Year End and Accounting Period settings.

Time Capture Error Conditions. The system response for Time Capture error conditions.

Time Capture Settings. The settings for time and expense transaction entry, including Review procedures, Banked hour settings, Intracompany charges, Rounding settings, and optional fields in Time Capture.

Notifications Setup. Accounts Receivable and Time Capture Notifications.

  • Accounts Receivable. The notification settings for Accounts Receivable.
  • Time Capture. The notifications settings for Time Capture.

ClosedInvoice Content Manager. Dashboard > Application Links > Firm > Invoice and statement templates

Setup Invoice Formatting. Review and complete Invoice Headers and Footers, Paragraphs, and Keywords.

List Setup Options

As you compare the items in the checklist with the list items in CCH Axcess, you can reference the reports from the migration to verify that all list information was created correctly.

ClosedGlobal List Setup. Dashboard > Application Links > Firm > Lists

Client Lists. Review and complete the following:

  • Client Responsible Staff
  • Contact Categories
  • Lines of Business
  • Primary Service Types

General Lists. Review and complete the Notes Categories.

Practice Lists. Review and complete the following:

  • Bank Accounts
  • Bill Manager
  • Bill Rates
  • Billing Fee Agreements
  • CPE Categories and Types
  • Custom Fields
  • Finance Charges
  • Invoice Status
  • Reasons
  • Service Code Classes
    • Category
    • Service Codes
    • Subcategory
  • Tax Rates
  • Work Locations

Note: In CCH Axcess, you must set up the Reverse Invoice reason code before that functionality is available. You can have more than one reason, but at least one is required before the system will allow you to reverse invoices.

Staff Lists. Review and complete the following:

  • AoE
    • Area of Expertise
    • Area of Expertise Levels
  • Departments
  • Positions

Workstream Lists. Review and complete the following:

  • Complexities
  • Custom Fields
  • Delivery Methods
  • Status
  • Form Due Dates
  • Milestone Dates
  • Priorities

Client and Staff Setup Options

ClosedClient Manager. Dashboard > Application Links > Clients > Client Manager

Clients. Review/edit clients. Be sure to verify that sub-IDs appear properly for your firm's choice to use them or not, Individual type clients' names are in the correct format, and that clients are assigned to the correct type (formerly entity).

Important: Verify that no client duplication occurred. Verify that duplicate clients were not created by migrating from multiple existing foundation suite databases.

Client Groups. Review/edit client groups. Be sure to verify that all client groups were created as you determined by your migration choices. You can refer to the reports saved during the migration.

Important: Verify that clients are assigned to the correct groups. This can be done by looking at the detail for each client group individually or by creating a specialized view in the Client Manager that will show the group assignments for each client.

Shared Views Library. See/utilize your own and other staff shared custom views.

ClosedStaff Manager. Dashboard > Application Links > Staff > Staff Manager

Staff. Review/edit staff.


  • Verify that no staff duplication occurred. Verify that duplicate staff were not created by migrating from multiple existing foundation suite databases.
  • It is very important to set up Staff Billing Rates before staff begin entering time. If Staff Billing Rates are not entered,then when an employee makes entries in Time Capture, the employee's billing rate will be treated as $0.00.

Templates and Settings. View and edit staff templates and settings.

Security. Manage Security Groups, Client Access Groups, and Staff Access Groups.

Roles. View and edit staff roles.

Teams. View and edit teams.

Shared Views Library. See and use your own and other staff shared custom views.

ClosedUser Licensing and Product Access. Dashboard > Application Links > Security > Licensing and product access

Assign Staff user licenses. Control staff licensing for all CCH Axcess products.

ClosedReconciliation Date. Dashboard > Application Links > Administration > Set the reconciliation date

Review/Edit the Reconciliation Date. Enter the reconciliation date to prevent transactions from being edited or posted on or before this date.

For Firms that Did Not Migrate Transactional Data

ClosedBest Practices for Entering Beginning Balances

WIP Beginning Balances. We suggest entering WIP beginning balances to a billable service code specially created for beginning balances via the Import utility, available in Dashboard > Application Links > Time Capture > Time transactions. Select Tools from the ribbon at the top of the window, and then select Import. For more information on the Import utility, see the Practice help topic titled Importing Transactions.

AR Beginning Balances. We suggest entering AR beginning balances as Credit Memos or Debit Memos for Credit balances and Debit balances, respectively. This can be done in Dashboard > Application Links > Accounts Receivable > AR transactions by selecting the desired Entity type, and then entering the balances as per normal AR entry procedure.

ClosedReports and Data Comparison. Dashboard > Application Links > Reports > Reports Manager

Run and compare standard month end reports. Compare these reports to the ones that were processed from the existing foundation suite prior to migration.

Note: Due to differences in how CCH Axcess reports on transactional data, not all reports will total with reports run prior to the migration.