Managing Notifications for a Project

A notification establishes conditions and thresholds that allow the program to alert you when these conditions and thresholds are met.

Notifications allow you to have the system monitor the data by looking for possible issues. This allows you to manage your firm rather than your project data. If a potential issue arises, you are alerted so you can deal with the issue before it becomes a problem.

Notifications selected at the type or template level are displayed. If the notifications are locked at either the type or template level, then the basis and condition options display a gray lock. Those options cannot be changed or removed at the project level.

If you are using worksteps and there is at least one workstep defined, you will see a Worksteps tab. Use the Worksteps tab to establish notifications based on events at the workstep level.

Tip: You can use the same condition more than once with the option to set different details for the notification. For example, you can send a Percentage Complete notification to the manager when a project is 50% complete, and the same notification to the partner when a project is 90% complete.

To manage notifications, do the following:

  1. Open the project profile.
  2. Click Notifications on the navigation panel.
  3. To work with a project-level notification, select the Project tab, select a row in the grid, and then do one of the following:
    • Add a notification. Click Select Conditions on the button bar, or right-click and select Select Conditions from the menu to open a list of notification conditions. See Assigning Notification Conditions for more information.
    • Remove a notification. Select the condition for the notification from the grid, then click Remove on the button bar, or right-click and select Remove from the menu to remove the selected cell.

    ClosedExplain the components of the upper window and the right-click menu.

    Component Description
    Select Conditions Selects conditions for a notification.
    Copy Condition Displays a window containing a copy of information from the selected record. The new condition is inserted directly below the selected condition.
    Add Recipient Adds a recipient to a notification.
    Edit Edits an existing record.
    Remove Removes the selected row from the grid.
    New item Indicates a box has new information from the project template, which can be a different lock status, parameter value, or answer on the General Information window.
    Basis Displays the basis you selected for the condition.
    Condition Displays rule parameters shown in blue underlined font. Click each parameter to display the Set Parameter window, allowing you to select a different value.
    Lock When indicated as locked, only basis, condition, and parameter are locked.
    Priority Allows you to select a priority for the notifications.
    Select By Allows you to select the classification of the recipient, such as role, staff, team, email, or client responsible staff.
    Recipient Allows you to select a specific role, staff, team, email address, or client responsible staff, such as manager or partner. If no assignee is defined, the notifications will be sent to the default administrator.

    Displays all of the recipients who received the notification.

    If the recipient is for a team or role, it will show the team or role name instead of the staff name that received the notification.

    Sent Shows the actual day and time that a notification was sent for each recipient.

    Note: Notifications can be added to worksteps also. See Managing Notifications for Project Worksteps for more information.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Update one project. Click one of the ClosedSave options or Cancel.
    • Update multiple projects individually. Click one of the ClosedSave options or Cancel.
    • Update all selected projects. Click ClosedReset, Continue, or Cancel.

Note: You can open projects, Route Sheets, and linked work objects that are associated with project notifications from the Notifications pane in Dashboard.