Setting General Project Information

In the project profile, you can manage general project settings, including:

  • Workflow information
  • Project designations
  • Estimated percentage complete
  • Questions

To manage general information, do the following:

  1. Open the project profile.
  2. Click General Information on the navigation panel.
  3. Set the Closedworkflow information for the project. Some data in the Workflow information section is inherited during the project creation process and cannot be changed.
  4. Select from the options in the Project designations section. ClosedExplain the project designations components.
  5. Expand the Estimated percentage complete section to view the estimated percentage complete per original budgeted hours, which is a percentage calculated by comparing the actual accumulated hours to the budgeted hours planned for the project. Budgeted hours are determined when the project is created or recalculated. Actual hours are accumulated as staff enters time throughout the project.
  6. Answer the questions in the lower section of the window to identify how you want to track specific elements in your projects. Hover over the bubble help button following each item for more detailed information.

    Note: If the item was locked at a higher level, meaning the type or template, the lock symbol is gray.

    • You cannot select No to Track statutory due dates if Use CCH forms to set the statutory dates is locked.
    • You cannot select No to Use worksteps if Require worksteps during time entry is locked.
    • You cannot select No to any question if the objects (for example, CCH forms or rules) are locked in the project.
    • If you change the option to use worksteps to No, all project worksteps will be deleted, even if they are marked complete.
  7. Do one of the following:

    • Update one project. Click one of the ClosedSave options or Cancel.
    • Update multiple projects individually. Click one of the ClosedSave options or Cancel.
    • Update all selected projects. Click ClosedReset, Continue, or Cancel.