Workstream Views

The following static views are available for Workstream. See Using Views for more information on views.

Home View

The Home view contains a single view: the Project Search view. If you know the client name or ID, you can use this view to quickly locate the project you want to work with.

Project Views

View Name Description
My Open Projects

View a list of your open projects so you can quickly review all of the work you are responsible for.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, File Holder, Statutory Due Date, Current Workstep
  • Sorted by. Client ID ascending
Roll Forward Approver

View a list of projects that have been flagged as automatic roll forward. Use this view to find projects where you can approve the roll forward and create the new projects.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Status
  • Sorted by. Client ID ascending

Note: If a project meets the conditions for rolling forward, but has the Do not roll forward option selected, it will not display in this view. Projects that have a frequency of one-time only also do not display in this view.

Project Status

View all incomplete projects and their statuses. Use this view to help you prioritize your work.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Status, Current Workstep, File Holder, Statutory Due Date
  • Sorted by. Client ID ascending
Project Due Date

View a list of projects and their due dates so you can prioritize your work.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Statutory Due Date, Current Workstep
  • Sorted by. Statutory Due Date ascending, and then by client ID ascending
Works from the Pool Projects

View a list of projects that are set as Working Out of the Pool projects. Use this view to locate projects that need to be worked on from the pool.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, File Holder, Statutory Due Date, Current Workstep
  • Sorted by. Client ID ascending
Project Completion Times

View completed projects along with the total number of days it took to complete the project. This view only contains projects completed in the last six months.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Actual start, Actual Finish, Days, Complexity
  • Sorted by. Actual finish descending

Note: The Days column is calculated as number of days from the actual start to the actual finish. For example, actual start is 1/1/2024 and is complete 1/3/2024 then Days is three.

Projects On Hold

View a list of incomplete projects that have been placed on hold.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Office, On Hold Date, Status, File holder, Current Workstep
  • Sorted by. On Hold Date descending
Projects Not Rolled Forward

View a list of recurring projects that have not been rolled over.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Office, Status
  • Sorted by. Status descending
Completed Projects

View a list of projects that have been marked complete.

  • Default columns. Client ID, Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Planned Finish, Actual Finish, Budget hours, Actual hours
  • Sorted by. Actual Finish Date descending
Closed Project Status History

View a list of completed projects and the status history for each project. This is helpful in looking across projects to see how long each step in the process is taking. This view only contains projects completed in the last six months.

  • Default columns for parent row. Client ID/SubID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name
  • Default columns for child row. Status From, Status To, How, Modified By, Modified On
  • Parent row sorted by. Client ID ascending
  • Child row sorted by. In status history order
Open Project Status History

View a list of open projects with the status history for each project. This is helpful in looking across projects to see how long each step in the process is taking.

  • Default columns for parent row. Client ID/SubID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name
  • Default columns for child row. Status From, Status To, How, Modified By, Modified On
  • Parent row sorted by. Client ID ascending
  • Child row sorted by. In status history order

Workstep Views

View Name Description
Workstep Completion Times

View completed worksteps along with the total number of days it took to complete the workstep. This view only contains worksteps completed in the last six months.

  • Default columns. Workstep ID, Workstep Name, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Actual start, Actual Finish, Days, Priority, Complexity
  • Sorted by. Actual Finish descending

Note: The Days column is calculated as number of days from the actual start to the actual finish. For example, actual start is 1/1/2024 and is complete 1/3/2024 then Days is three.

Worksteps by Planned Finish Date

View worksteps listed by their planned finish date so you can see which worksteps should be completed.

  • Default columns. Workstep ID, Workstep Name, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Planned start, Planned Finish, Priority, Complexity
  • Sorted by. Planned finish date ascending, and then by workstep ID ascending
My Worksteps in Progress

View worksteps where you are assigned and have started but not finished yet. Use this view to find worksteps that you need to complete.

  • Default columns. Workstep ID, Workstep Name, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Actual start, Planned Finish, Priority, Budget Hours, Estimated Hours to Complete
  • Sorted by. Planned start ascending, and then by workstep ID ascending
My Worksteps Not Started

View worksteps where you are assigned and have not started yet. Use this view to find worksteps that you need to begin working on.

  • Default columns. Workstep ID, Workstep Name, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Planned start, Planned Finish, Priority, Complexity
  • Sorted by. Planned start ascending, and then by workstep ID ascending
Worksteps That Need Staffing

View incomplete worksteps that do not have a staff member assigned.

  • Default columns. Workstep ID, Workstep Name, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name, Actual start, Planned Finish, Priority, Budget Hours, Estimated Hours to Complete
  • Sorted by. Planned start ascending, and then by workstep ID ascending

Form Views

View Name Description
Forms for Extension

View a list of forms that are neither complete nor extended. Use this list to locate forms that need to be either completed or extended prior to the filing date.

  • Default columns. Form ID, Form Name, Statutory Due Date, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name
  • Sorted by. Statutory Due Date
Form Due Date

Lists forms that are not complete. Use this view to locate forms that need to be completed or extended prior to the filing date.

  • Default columns. Form ID, Form Name, Due Date, Extended, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name
  • Sorted by. Due date descending and then by form ID ascending
Extended Forms

Lists all forms that have been extended. Use this view to locate forms that must be completed prior to the extended filing date.

  • Default columns. Form ID, Form Name, Due Date, Extended, Client ID, Client Sort Name, Project ID, Project Name
  • Sorted by. Statutory Due Date