Reviewing the Batch Link Summary

The top portion of the summary window displays the number of returns that were matched to projects. The bottom half of the window displays the number of unmatched returns. Returns will not be matched because either there were either more than one project or no projects found for the client.

On the summary window, you can do any of the following:

  • Review matched returns. Click Review to view the list of returns that were automatically matched to projects. You have the option to set a matched project to Do not link, if necessary. See Reviewing the Project and Return Matches for more information.
  • Refine project filters. If there is a large number of unmatched returns, you can click this option to refine the project filters to reduce the number of projects being matched to. This option is only available if not all project filters were applied previously and there are unmatched returns. See Refining Batch Link Filters for more information.
  • Manually select projects. Click this option to select which project to link to each return. This option is only available if there are unmatched returns. See Reviewing Unmatched Returns for more information.

Note: It is not required to match all returns before continuing.

Click Continue to continue the linking process, or click Cancel to close without saving your links.