Filtering for CCH Axcess Tax Returns

To begin the batch link process, you first need to find the returns you want to link. Use the filters available on the Batch Link CCH Axcess Tax Returns window to find the returns.

To find the returns to link, do the following:

  1. Select the Tax year for the returns from the list, if necessary. The current and previous tax years are listed.
  2. Select the Return type from the list. All return types are listed.
  3. Select the Return group from the list. All return groups are listed.
  4. Define any of the following additional filters, if necessary:
    • Signer. All signers defined for your firm are listed. A signer is someone who has been designated as being able to sign returns.
    • Office. All offices available for your firm are listed. An office represents either a specific geographic location or a logical partitioning of a firm.
    • Business unit. All business units for the selected office are listed. A business unit is a level of the organizational unit associated with one or more offices. This option is only available if you have selected an office.
  5. Click Find Returns to locate the returns to link and continue to the Project filters window, or click Cancel to end the Batch Link process.