Managing Key Tracking Dates for a Template

The Key Tracking Dates window allows you to set up planned start and finish deadlines for a template. Some example milestone dates include Information Received, Preparation Complete, or Review Complete. You can also set methods for how each milestone date is set.

All the milestone dates assigned to the template are shown in the Milestone dates section at the bottom of the Key Tracking Dates window for the template.

To manage template key tracking dates, do the following:

  1. ClosedOpen the Templates list.
    • From Dashboard. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configuration > Project templates under Workstream.
    • In Workstream. Click Templates in the Manage group on the Manage ribbon.
  2. Select a project template, and then click. You can also right-click and select Open from the menu.
  3. Click Key Tracking Dates on the navigation panel.
  4. Set planned start and finish deadlines for a project template. The method used to set the project deadlines depends on the answer to the Calculate planned dates question on the Project Template - General Information window.

    To manage project deadlines, do one of the following:

    ClosedIf planned due dates are not calculated

    1. Click in the start date box to enter the double-digit month and date the project starts.
    2. Click in the finish date box to enter the double-digit month and date the project ends.
    3. Click in the statutory due date box to enter the double-digit month and date the project must be completed by.

    Note: Changes to the statutory due date only apply to new projects created using this template. The changes are not applied to current projects using the template.

    ClosedIf planned due dates are calculated

    1. Select a basis for setting the project's planned start date from the list. A rule defining the project's start date displays.
    2. Click the blue text to display a window where you can make specific changes to the rule. If the displayed rule does not contain any alterable parameters displayed in blue font, skip to the next step.
    3. Example: The rule may look like this:

      Rule: The annual period's planned start is 0 days before the client's fiscal year end.

      If so, click 0 to open a window where you can select how many days before the client's fiscal year end the project should start.

    4. Select a basis for setting the project's planned finish date from the list.
    5. Click the blue text to display a window where you can make specific changes to the rule.
  5. If your project is not tracking milestone dates, continue to the last step. Otherwise, do one of the following to add or remove milestone dates listed in the grid:

    • If no milestone dates are listed in the Milestone dates section, or you would like to add to the grid, click Milestone Dates on the button bar to list all milestone dates inherited from the project type but not selected for the template.
    • Select the milestone dates to assign to the  template on the Milestone Dates window. For more information, see Using the Milestone Dates Window.
    • Select an unlocked milestone date and click Remove in the button bar to remove the selected row from the grid.
  6. Confirm or update the method to set the project milestone dates. Do one of the following:

    • Enter the milestone date.
      1. Select a milestone date.
      2. Select Staff entry in the Date is Set By column.
      3. Enter the milestone date in the Date column.
    • Set the date by completion of a workstep (available if the project template is set to use worksteps).
      1. Select a milestone date.
      2. Select Completion of workstep in the Date is Set By column.
      3. Select a project workstep from the Workstep column. The available worksteps are those that have not been selected to set other milestone dates.
    • ClosedExplain the lock and unlock buttons.
  7. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.