About Administrative Roles

An administrative role is a type of security roleClosed A mechanism used to assign a specified set of rights to users with one assignment. A security role has a set of functional rights granted to it. When a user is assigned a security role, the user receives all the functional rights associated with that role. that can be assigned to firm users. The administrative tasks a user can perform in Portal are determined by the administrative role assigned to the user, if any. A user can be assigned more than one administrative role. The administrative roles assigned to a user will apply for all portals that the user has access to. Administrative roles cannot be assigned on a per portal basis.

By default, Portal provides a predefined administrative role called Full Rights - Firm Administration. People who are assigned this role can perform all administrative tasks in Portal. This role cannot be deleted, nor can the functional rights assigned to this role be changed.

Note: To view a list of all functional rights available for administrative roles, see Functional Rights Explained

If your firm needs additional administrative roles, the firm administrator can create them on the Administrative Roles window. This window is accessed by selecting Security and Permissions > Administrative roles on the Administration tab in Portal.