Using the Billing Fee Agreements Grid

Use the Billing Fee Agreements grid to begin setting up and managing billing fee agreements to use as rules when manually or automatically billing clients.

To add or modify a billing fee agreement, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Lists under Firm.
  2. Click Practice Lists > Billing Fee Agreements on the navigation panel.
  3. Do any of the following:
    • Add a billing fee agreement. Click New on the button bar to open the Managing Billing Fee Agreements window where you can add a new record.
    • Edit a record. Select an item in the grid and click Edit on the button bar. The Managing Billing Fee Agreements window displays, allowing you to edit an existing record.
    • Delete a record. Select an item in the grid and click Delete on the button bar.
    • Print the current view of the grid. Click Print on the button bar.
    • Sort records. Click a column header to sort a column in ascending or descending order.
    • Select Columns. Click Select Columns on the button bar. The Column Selection window displays.


  • The options on the grid toolbar are also available on the menu that displays when you right-click an item in the grid.
  • Click Find to locate an item in the grid or click Refresh to display any changes to the grid.