Viewing the Returns Comparison Report

The return comparison report displays a tab for each comparison result: No match and Exact match. The number shown on each tab is the number of records in the existing foundation suite that fall into that category.

  1. Click each tab to view the results for that type of match.
    • No match. None of the records shown in the Existing Foundation Return Records column have an exact or possible match in CCH Axcess. A return with the name shown in the CCH Axcess Return Records column will be created in CCH Axcess.
    • Exact match. Each record in the Existing Foundation Return Records has a matching return in CCH Axcess. None of the existing foundation records will migrate to CCH Axcess since they already have an exact match. Select each record in the Existing Foundation Return Records column to view the matching record.
    • Not available for migration. If you did not select to migrate downloaded returns, those returns will display on this tab. Review the reason column to tell you what must be done to the return for it to be ready for migration. For more information, see Selecting Return Options.
  2. If needed, click to save the report to an XLS or XLSX file.
  3. Click Continue to continue the migration process.