Selecting Clients to Migrate

This window is part of the Client section of data migration. This section will step you through the choices necessary to ensure your migration is as accurate as possible. It will ask you to make several decisions based on your current data. There are several options to make sure you get as much data migrated as possible.

Note: Some options may not be available to you based on whether you have previously migrated data or other options.

ClosedTax migration options

  1. Select to migrate only active clients or both inactive and active clients. If you choose to migrate only active clients, you will have to repeat the migration process again to migrate any inactive clients that may become active later. You will not see this option if you do not have client management software. You can also choose to migrate clients with returns from a specific tax year.
  2. Select which fields to compare to determine which records possibly match records in CCH Axcess. See Selecting Comparison Fields for more information on the fields of comparison and how to use them. In this section, choose the comparison option that will best identify matching clients.
  3. Note: If the name, type of data, client type matches to a field that already exists in CCH Axcess, the existing foundation fields will be linked with the existing CCH Axcess fields.

  4. Select whether to migrate some of the data if there are empty fields in CCH Axcess database. This option will not overwrite any data already in the CCH Axcess database.
  5. Select whether to retain the CCH Axcess client name or overwrite it with the existing foundation client name.
  6. Note: CCH Axcess client name will only be overwritten if it is an exact match, or if the client was listed as a possible match and the clients were linked during migration.

  7. Specify whether Social Security Numbers (SSN) and Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) will be hidden (default), shown, or abbreviated. This is for reporting purposes only; the numbers will be migrated into CCH Axcess in their entirety.
  8. Select Continue to continue the migration.
  9. You will be prompted to select a Sub-ID option. Select whether your existing foundation data uses sub-IDs as part of the existing foundation client ID. Click OK to continue.