Viewing Workstep Group Details

To view detailed information for a workstep group, do the following:

  1. Open the template or project for which you want to view workstep group details.
  2. Click Worksteps on the navigation panel.

    Note: If the Worksteps option does not display on the navigation panel, then no worksteps have been set up for the template.

  3. In the worksteps grid, select the workstep group you want to view information for.
  4. Click Show Details to view the workstep group information in the same window, or click Open to view the workstep details in a different window.

The following detail information is provided for the workstep group:

Component Description
Workstep group name If needed, click into this box and edit the workstep group name.
Planned Displays the planned start and finish dates for the group, as well as the planned budgeted hours. The planned start date for the group is determined by the earliest start date of the assigned child worksteps. The planned finish date is determined by the latest finish date of the assigned child worksteps. The hours for the group are the sum of the budgeted hours in the child worksteps.
Actual Only available for projects. Displays the actual start and finish dates for the group, as well as the actual budgeted hours. The start date for the group is determined by the earliest start date of the assigned child worksteps. The finish date is determined by the latest finish date of the assigned child worksteps. The hours for the group are the sum of the hours in the child worksteps.
Worksteps Included tab Displays a list of the child worksteps that are included in the group. The worksteps are not editable on this tab. They can be edited from the Worksteps tab in the template or project profile.
Workstep status

The status of the workstep group displays in the upper right portion of the window. The status is not editable.

Note: All worksteps in a group must be completed before the workstep group can be marked completed.

Status tab Allows you to select the status that should be applied to the project when this workstep group is marked as completed. This is an optional feature. To use this option, click the blue status link and select a different status.