The Budgeting section allows you to create or modify budget amounts for the worksteps of a project. Tracking budgeted costs and profits against the budgeted billing allows you to compare budgeted or expected gross profit against actual gross profit for this workstep at the project level when you are entering the budget.
To manage workstep budget and financial information, do the following:
Select to allow the system to determine the method for budget.
Budget summary
Some options below are only available if you selected Track cost and profit in addition to billings:
Hours. Enter projected workstep hours.
Amount. Enter the budget amount for the workstep.
Cost. Enter the budgeted cost of the assigned employee's time.
Gross Profit. The system subtracts the cost from the amount to arrive at the gross profit.
Expenses. Enter the budgeted expenses for the workstep. Expenses refers to the money that the employee spends, such as hotel or airfare.
Net Profit. The system subtracts the expenses from the gross profit to arrive at the net profit.
Override rate
Enter an override rate for this workstep. The number entered here is used for the rate in time capture regardless of the default rate.
Service Code
The code entered here becomes the default in Time Capture when a user selects the workstep for the time transaction. This option is not available if Time Capture is not licensed.
Require service code for time capture
Select if you want a service code to be required for Time Capture. This box is only available if the service code is selected.