Using the Project Assignment Pane

The Project Assignment pane displays your project and workstep assignments. You can use this pane to get an overview of your current and future work. You can also perform basic project management tasks, such as updating a project's status or entering time.

Note: The My Assignments pane also lists the projects and worksteps assigned to you. However, it only shows items that are ready for your reaction immediately. Items in the Project Assignment pane include future work as well.

Before you can use the Project Assignment pane, you must add it to your dashboard. See Adding, Moving, or Removing Panes for information on adding panes.

Manage Projects and Worksteps

The Project Assignment pane includes both a Project view and a Workstep view. Click the button immediately below the pane's title bar to toggle between these views.

Tip: To ensure you are seeing the most current information, click at the top of the window to refresh the list.

You can complete the following tasks on the Project Assignment pane. Except where noted, these tasks can be performed in either the Project or Workstep view.

  • ClosedOpen a project profile, route sheet, or work object.
    • Project profile. In the Project view, right-click an item in the grid and select Open Project.
    • Route sheet. In either the Project or Workstep view, right-click an item in the grid and select Open Route Sheet. You can also double-click an item in the grid to open the route sheet.
    • Work object. This option is only available if a work object is linked to the project. In either the Project or Workstep view, right-click an item in the grid and select Open Work Object. Select the work object and then click Open.
  • ClosedDelete a project or workstep.

    Right-click an item in the grid and select Delete. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.

    Note: If time has been entered for a project or workstep, that item cannot be deleted. Also, if there are completed worksteps for a project, the project cannot be fully deleted. However, if there are open worksteps for a project you are deleting, the open worksteps will be deleted. Locked worksteps cannot be deleted.

  • ClosedEnter time for a project or workstep.
    1. Right-click an item in the grid and select Enter Time.
    2. Complete the information in the Enter Transaction window as needed.
    3. Click Save or Save & Post.
  • ClosedChange the file holder for a project.
    1. Right-click an item in the grid and select Change File Holder.
    2. Select a different file holder. You can select a specific staff member or a role, or choose In the pool.
    3. Click Update Status.
  • ClosedUpdate the status for a project.
    1. In the Project view, right-click an item in the grid and select Update Status.
    2. Select a new status for the project.
    3. Click Update Status.
  • ClosedMark a project complete.
    1. Right-click an item in the grid and select Mark Project Complete.
    2. Edit the actual finish date if needed.
    3. Click OK.
    4. If needed, respond to the following prompts. Not all users will need to complete these steps.
      • If there are incomplete worksteps for the project, you are prompted to indicate a status for those worksteps. Click Mark Complete or Mark as N/A to update the status for the incomplete worksteps accordingly.
  • ClosedMark a workstep complete.
    1. In the Workstep view, right-click an item in the grid and select Mark Workstep Complete.
    2. Edit the actual finish date if needed.
    3. If needed, select a different file holder. You can select a specific staff member or a role, or choose In the pool.
    4. Click OK.
  • ClosedReopen a closed project or closed workstep.
    • Project. In the Workstep view, right-click a workstep for the closed project and select Reopen Project.
    • Workstep. In the Workstep view, right-click the closed workstep and select Reopen Workstep.

Modify the Grid

Click a column header in the grid to sort by that column. If needed, you also can Closedadd or remove columns in the grid.

To add or remove columns to the grid, do the following:

  1. On either the Project view or Workstep view, right-click the assignment grid and select Column Selection. The window that displays contains two boxes:
    • The left box contains fields that are available as columns and that can be assigned to the grid.
    • The right box lists the fields that have already been selected for the grid. The fields are listed in the order in which they are displayed in the grid.
  2. Use the Closedbuttons on the window to add, remove, and reorder the columns.
  3. Click OK.