Batch Linking Clients

The Batch Client Linking Utility, accessed from Dashboard, links multiple clients from CCH ProSystem fx Tax, CCH ProSystem fx Engagement, or another external application to multiple clients in CCH Axcess.

You can view any previously linked clients on the Client Links view in Client Manager. From this view, you can also delete a client link, if necessary.

To link a single client from a pre-migration product to a client in CCH Axcess, see Linking to a Client for more information.

Preparing for Batch Linking

Before you can begin the linking process, client data must be in Microsoft ® Excel® or CSV format with column headers. Review the following Excel® or CSV file guidelines:

  • Each column header must exactly match one of the attributes listed below. They can be in any sequence, but all of the column headers must be included in the file, even if there is no data.
    • Client ID (recommended)
    • Client Sub-ID (recommended)
    • Client GUID (mandatory, may be a GUID or an ID that cannot be changed)
    • NameLine1 (recommended, name line 1 for a business client type or first name for an Individual client type)
    • NameLine2 (recommended, name line 2 for a business client type or last name for an Individual client type)
    • SortName (recommended)
    • Federal ID (optional)
    • ClientType (optional)
    • FYE (optional, entered in a date format with a valid month and day)
  • A client ID or at least one client field value, NameLine1, NameLine2, or SortName, must be present.
  • Cells that will contain client IDs and sub-IDs should be formatted as text in Excel®. Text formatting retains any leading zeros; otherwise, Excel® truncates leading zeros. In Excel®, do the following:
    1. Select the cells to contain client IDs and sub-IDs.
    2. Right-click and select Format Cells from the menu.
    3. Select Text from the Category list.
    4. Click OK.
  • Any data that exists below a blank row will not be imported.

Note: CCH ProSystem fx Tax and CCH ProSystem fx Engagement have utilities that export client data.

Batch Linking Clients

To link multiple clients, do the following:

  1. Click Utilities under Firm on the Application Links window in Dashboard.

  2. Click Batch link clients.
  3. Set Up Batch Client Linking

  4. Browse to and select the Excel® or CSV file that contains the client data to link to CCH Axcess clients.
  5. Do one of the following to specify the source application:
    • Click the down-arrow and select a product from the list.
    • Click Add to display the Add Custom Source window, allowing you to add a third party application. Do the following:
      1. Enter a unique application name.
      2. Click Add to return to the Batch Client Linking Setup window. The new name is added to the Source application list. The name will remain in the list for future batch client linking.
  6. Select how to match client data from the following options:
    • Use client names only. CCH Axcess clients can have duplicate names. If only one CCH Axcess client has matching name 1 and name 2 attributes, the client is automatically selected for linking. If multiple clients have matching names, they are selected as possible matches.
    • Use client ID and sub-ID only. Clients with matching client ID and sub-ID attributes are automatically selected for linking.
    • Use Federal ID only. CCH Axcess clients can have duplicate federal IDs. If only one CCH Axcess client has a matching federal ID attribute, the client is automatically selected for linking. If multiple clients have matching federal IDs, they are selected as possible matches.
  7. Notes:

    • Blank values in the source file are not included in the logic used to match data. For example, if you select Use client names only and both of the following criteria are true, the clients are considered a match and are automatically selected for linking:
      • Client name 1 in the source file matches the client attributes in CCH Axcess.
      • Client name 2 in the source file is blank and CCH Axcess profile contains data for this field.
    • You will have the opportunity to unlink clients that are automatically selected for linking.
  8. Click Run Diagnostics to display the Batch Client Linking Diagnostics report and validate the client data to be linked.
  9. Click Link Clients to continue.
  10. Link Clients

    The Batch Client Linking window allows you to select clients for linking or unlink clients that are automatically selected. Clients with all matching attributes, based on how you selected to match data, are automatically selected for linking and display in the bottom grid.

    The Unlinked source clients and Target clients grids allow you to compare the data between the two platforms and identify other matches.

  11. Do any of the following:
    • Link additional clients.
      1. Select a client in the Unlinked source clients grid. Possible matches for the selected client display in the Target clients grid.
      2. Select a client from the Target clients grid and click Link Client. The client is added to the bottom grid.
    • Add clients to the Target clients grid.
      1. Click the right-arrow beside Search clients.
      2. Select to search by client ID or client name.
      3. Enter search criteria to locate and select a client to add to the Target clients grid.
    • Unlink clients. Select the clients in the bottom grid and click Unlink.
  12. Click Save Links to establish the links for clients listed in the bottom grid. The Batch Client Linking report displays when the linking process is complete, providing a Summary and Detail view.