Adding a Custom Form Due Date

Workstream provides form due date information for thousands of tax forms using the same form due date database used in CCH® IntelliConnect and CCH® AnswerConnect. For these forms, due dates are automatically updated and recalculated when updates are provided by taxing authorities. You can check to see if a form due date is provided in Workstream by searching the Tax Calendar list.

If Workstream does not provide the form due date you need, you can create a custom form due date using the procedure below. You must specify the rules for the form due date as part of the setup. When the custom form is included in a project, the due date will be calculated automatically using the year-end information provided for the client in a project.

Note: Staff members who have the Override Form Due Date permission can change the due date in the project if needed.

To add a custom form due date:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Lists under Firm.
    • Open Workstream, and then click Lists in the Manage group on the Manage ribbon.
  2. Click Workstream List > Form Due Dates.
  3. In the Form Due Dates window, do one of the following:
    • Click New to add a new form due date.
    • Select a form in the grid, and then click Copy to create a new form due date based on an existing form.
  4. Enter or edit the information in the ClosedForm Due Dates section.
  5. In the Rules for due date calculation section, specify each of the following as needed:
    • Original due date
    • First extension date
    • Second extension date

    Note: Extension dates are not required. However, if there are no extension dates, the form cannot be extended.

  6. Tip: If you selected Calendar Year End as the date basis and Quarterly or Monthly as the frequency, you can enter dates for one instance of the form and then click Auto Set Up to populate the rest of the due dates.

  7. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.
  8. Button Description
    Save Saves the changes and the window stays open for editing.
    Save & New

    Saves the changes and opens a new window to create a new entry.

    Save & Close Saves the changes and exits the window.
    Cancel Exits the window without saving your changes.