Configuring Return Configuration Set Letters Types and Mailing Sheets

The Letter Types window in the return configuration set allows you to configure how letters are prepared for transmittal, cover, filing instructions, privacy policy, K-1, extension, and estimate reminder letter types. Or you can suppress preparation of each letter type.

You can also select to include mailing sheets with the return. See step 5 below for more information.

Note: You can set correspondence options at the return level, overriding the return configuration set options, on the General > Return Options and General > Letters and Filing Instructions worksheets.

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configuration > Return configuration sets under Tax.
  2. Double-click a return configuration set on the navigation panel.
  3. Click Correspondence > Letter Options on the navigation panel to display the Letter Types tab.
  4. Select how each letter type is to be prepared. ClosedExplain the letter type configuration options.
  5. Select to print mailing sheets with the return. These sheets are used to cover the return and display signer, taxpayer, and taxing authority mailing addresses through envelope windows. One mailing sheet is used to mail the return from the preparer to the taxpayer and other sheets are used by the taxpayer to mail the filing copy to each taxing authority.
  6. Note: Mailing sheets are prepared based on return input and are not rendered in correspondence letters.

  7. Click Save to save your changes and continue working in the return configuration set, or click Save & Close to save your changes and close the return configuration set.