Using Clocks 

The use of clocks reduces manual entries and can improve the accuracy of your time entries. Clocks create time entries for WIP and keep track of time with the following information:

  • Client
  • Project (if Workstream is licensed)
  • Workstep (if Workstream is licensed)
  • Service code
  • Work location
  • Invoice description
  • Internal note
  • Optional custom information

When you enter time and transactions resulting from clocks, the system updates the following information in the associated project and workstep, as needed, if Workstream is licensed:

  • Actual Hours and Amount
  • Start Date

You are not required to use clocks. Time charges can be entered directly. See Using Time Capture for more information.

Note: A running clock is considered to be session activity and will prevent CCH Axcess from timing out. This is true regardless of whether you are currently working in CCH Axcess or not. The exception is if your computer reaches the timeout limit while in sleep mode. In that case, your session will time out. You can review and update the power management settings on your computer to ensure that your computer does not go to sleep prematurely.

Managing Your Clocks

You can use as many or as few clocks as you choose. You could create clocks where everything but the invoice description is identical.

Tip: Editing time entries is another method of breaking out time charges. Using fewer clocks and editing time entries to provide details may result in better accuracy than using a large number of clocks.

To set up a clock see Adding a Time Transaction from a Clock.

Starting, Stopping, and Maintaining Your Clocks

After you have your clocks listed, the simplest method of starting and stopping clocks is through the Floating Clock List. This window is available wherever time charges are applicable and a shortcut can be added to your Quick Access Toolbar. For more information, see Using a Floating Clock.

A more detailed look at your clocks is available in the Clock Management window. This window is typically used to edit the details associated with a clock. For more information, see Using the Clock Management Window.

Clocks can be edited or deleted from any location where you can select the clock.

Tip: You should delete any clock created in error, outdated clock, or unused clock. A good guideline to follow is to delete a clock when all its time entries are prior to your Lock Reconciliation DateClosed A cutoff date for WIP. Reconciliation dates help your firm maintain and control the reported period end balances. Transactions with a date prior to the lock reconciliation date require a prior period entry. and the clock's purpose is finished.

For more information, see Editing and Deleting a Clock.