Undoing a Final Print

You can change the status of an invoice from Final to another status using the Undo final print option. Undoing a final print does not recall an email that was sent with the invoice or delete an invoice sent to Document.

  1. Open the Invoices list
  2. Note: You can also access invoices from the ClosedClients or Projects list.

    1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Bill WIP under Billing & Invoicing.
    2. Click either the Clients or Projects tab.
    3. Click  next to a client or project to display the invoices for that client or project.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Undo final print for a single invoice. Click Actions > Print > Undo final print next to the invoice.
    • Undo final print for multiple invoices in a batch. Select the check boxes for the invoices you want to undo the final print, and then click Batch Actions > Undo final print.

      Note: Batch invoice actions can only be performed on the Invoices tab.

  4. Select the new status for the invoices.
  5. Click Change.