Managing Custom Folders

Firm users with appropriate permissions can add custom folders to the Collaboration Area of portals. Portal users with appropriate permissions can create custom folders in the Client Area of their portals. Unlike the folders in a folder template, custom folders are specific to the portal they are created in. Custom folders created in one portal will not be created in other portals.

To create a custom folder, do the following:

  1. If you have access to more than one portal, Closedselect the portal that you want to add a custom folder to.
    1. On the Portal home page, click the Recent Portals tab in the navigation panel. Up to 50 recently accessed portals that you have access to can be displayed here. You can sort the Recent Portals list by clicking to display portals in ascending or descending alphabetical order. Click to sort the list of portals according to when they were most recently accessed.
    2. If the portal you need isn't listed, use the search box on the Recent Portals tab to perform a search either by portal name or by portal administrator's email address. To toggle between these options, click the arrow on the right-side of the text box, and select the type of search to perform.
      • Portal name search. Enter the portal name in the search box. As you type, the system displays a list of portal names that match the entered text. Select the correct portal in the list, and then click the add button  for the portal.
      • Portal administrator's email address search. Enter the email address. Then, click the Search button. The search results display in a list below the text box. Click the add button  for the portal.
    3. Tip: You can control which portals display on the Recent Portals tab by clicking in the Recent Portals text box, and then pressing the space bar. A list of all portals that you can access displays. Select the portals to include in the list by clicking the add button beside each portal.

    4. Once you have located the portal name on the Recent Portals list, click the portal name. The Files and Folders section is updated to reflect the contents of the selected portal.
  2. If you are a portal userClosed A person employed by, or who represents, the client. A portal user with permission to create other portal users is known as a portal administrator. Portal users can be created by portal administrators or firm administrators., click the Collaboration Area tab on the right side of the home page.
  3. In the Files and Folders area, navigate to the folder where you want to add a custom folder.
  4. Right-click the Files and Folders section of the home page, and then select Create Custom Folder.
  5. Click OK.

The firm administrator can make changes to custom folders in the Collaboration Area. Portal administrators can make changes to custom folders in the Client Area. Otherwise, only a folder's creator can make changes to a custom folder.

The actions you can perform on a custom folder that you have created are as follows:

  • ClosedRename a custom folder. By default, custom folders are named "New Folder."
    1. Right-click the folder and select Rename Custom Folder.
    2. Enter a unique name for the folder.
    3. Press Enter.
  • ClosedDelete a custom folder. Custom folders can only be deleted if all files have been removed from them.
    1. Right-click the folder and select Delete Custom Folder.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Click OK again.
  • ClosedChange the color of a custom folder. You can choose from among 16 colors for the folder.
    1. Right-click the folder and select Change Custom Folder Color.
    2. Select a color for the folder.
    3. Click OK.
  • ClosedSecure a custom folder. You can select for a folder to only be accessible by users you specify. Only users with permission to access the portal can be given access to a custom folder.
    1. Right-click the folder and then select either Secure Folder > For Firm Users or Secure Folder > For Client End Users, depending on which group of users you want to control access for. Client end users are the same as portal users.
    2. Note: The options available to you on the Secure Folder menu vary depending on whether you are in the Collaboration Area or Client Area, as well as the permissions assigned to you.

    3. Select the check box for the firm or portal users who should have access to the file. Users of this type who are not selected will not have access to the folder.
    4. Note: If you secure a custom folder for one type of user, it does not affect the access privileges for the other group of users. To secure a custom folder for both firm users and portal users, you must perform this process for each user type.

    5. Click Save. A lock icon displays on the folder on the Files and Folders window.
  • ClosedRemove security from the folder. You can remove the security restrictions for custom folders you have created.
    1. Right-click the folder and then select either Remove Folder Security > For Firm Users or Remove Folder Security > For Client End Users, depending on which group of users you want to remove security for. Client end users are the same as portal users.
    2. Note: The options visible on the Remove Folder Security menu vary depending on whether you are in the Collaboration Area or Client Area. They also may be limited by the permissions assigned to you.

    3. Click OK.
    4. Note: If you remove security from a custom folder for one type of user, it does not affect the security settings for the other group of users. To remove security for both firm users and portal users, you must perform this process for each user type.