Staff with access have rights to view the secured staff information when working in product modules selected for the staff access group.
You can manage staff with access in the staff access group profile using the following methods:
Automatically by attributes. Define staff with access by filtering the eligible staff by their organizational unit and position. Staff whose attributes match the criteria are automatically assigned access, unless you exclude them individually in the Staff Assignments grid. The staff with access dynamically change when staff attributes are modified in the staff profile.
Individually. You can include or exclude individual staff with access by selecting them in the Staff Assignments grid. This defines the specific staff who are granted or denied access to the staff secured in the staff access group, regardless of their staff attributes.
To display the Staff With Access window, do the following:
Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Access groups under Security.
Click Staff Access Groups on the navigation panel.
Click New > Staff Access Group on the Home tab of the ribbon, or right-click the grid and select New > Staff Access Group from the menu to create a staff access group.
Select an item in the grid and click Open in the Edit group on the Home tab, or right-click an item in the grid and select an option from the Open menu.
Click the link to display the organizational units, such as region, office, or business unit, set up for your firm.
Select the organizational unit attributes on the Select Attribute Values window. See Selecting Attribute Values for more information.
Click OK. Staff whose region, office, or business unit matches one of the selected organizational units are secured in the staff access group, if the staff is not specifically excluded and, if applicable, the staff also meets the selected position.
Click the link to display the positions, such as manager, partner, or senior, set up for your firm in Staff Lists.
Select the position attributes on the Select Attribute Values window.
Click OK. Staff who are assigned the selected positions in their staff profiles are secured in the access group, if the staff is not specifically excluded and, if applicable, the staff also meets the selected organizational units.
Select to include or exclude specific staff, if needed. You can assign staff to this access group using only the Staff Assignments grid, or you can use this grid to update the list of staff already selected from your organizational unit and position criteria. Explain the grid components.
Select to include individual staff with access in the staff access group. Select this box to include staff who should always have access to secured staff, regardless of their attributes.
Select to exclude individual staff with access from the staff access group, even when the staff profile information meets the attribute criteria as defined for the staff access group.
Meets Attributes
Displays a check mark for staff who meet the defined attribute criteria.
Displays a check mark for staff who are assigned access in the staff access group because the staff information meets the attribute criteria or because the staff was explicitly selected using the Include option.
Staff attribute columns
Displays attribute values for each staff in the grid.
Select a staff in the grid and click Open Staff Profile to display the Staff Profile window where you can edit or review the existing staff information.
Show All Assigned
Click to display only those staff assigned access. Staff can be assigned because the staff information meets the attribute criteria defined in the staff access group profile or the staff was explicitly selected using the Include option.
Click to refresh the grid to show all staff that meet the selected attribute criteria. Any new staff that were added since opening the staff access group profile display in the Staff Assignments grid. Staff that were deleted since opening the profile are removed from the grid.
Saves the changes and the window stays open for editing. An error message displays if you click this button before entering all required information.
Save & New
Saves the changes and opens a new window to create a new entry. An error message displays if you click this button before entering all required information.
Note: This option is not available in edit mode.
Save & Close
Saves the changes and exits the window. An error message displays if you click this button before entering all required information.