Adding Portals in Batches

You can create portals for multiple clients in batches of up to 500 at a time. Creating portals using this method saves time compared to creating portals individually for each client.

To create portals in batches, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
  2. Click Portal > Batch Portal Creation on the navigation panel.
  3. In the Options section, select the you want to apply to the new portals.
  4. Click Browse for Clients.
  5. Select an option from the Office list to display the list of clients for that office that do not have portals.
  6. Tip: To further narrow the list of clients, select options in the filter row beneath the header row in the grid.

  7. Select the check box next to each client for whom you want to create a portal. To select all the listed clients, select the check box in the grid header row.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Enter or select the email address of the person who will administer the portal for each client in the Portal Admin Email column. The portal administrator should be the client or an employee or representative of the client.

  10. Select the check box next to each of clients to whom you want to apply the selected metadata, and then click Apply to Selected .
  11. Review the , and make any needed edits for individual portals.

    Tip: Click a column header in the grid to sort by the information in that column.

  12. Click Evaluate Portal Data to check the selected clients for errors that may prevent a portal from being created. One of the following icons will display in the Status column for each client:
  13. Icon Description
    Add There are no errors to prevent you from creating a portal for this client.

    There are issues with this client portal, but the issues will not prevent you from creating the portal. Click the icon to display more information about the issue.

    Error You cannot create a portal for this client until errors are resolved. Click the icon to display information about the error.
  14. Once all errors have been fixed, click Continue Portal Creation. You might need to scroll to the right to see this option.
  15. Notes

    • You can download a process log if needed by clicking Yes when prompted by the system.
    • If needed, you can click Export Portal Data to export the portal data listed in the grid to Excel®.
  16. Click OK.