Searching and Filtering Scans

From the main window, you can quickly search or filter scans.


  • The Search box and the Quick Filters are independent of one another; if you search for a term and then select a filter, the filter will apply to all scans rather than to the search results.
  • If the Quick Filters are not displayed, click the Expand button.

Searching for Scans

To search for specific scans, enter a search term in the Search box and press Enter.

You can return to the list of all scans by selecting All for the criteria in the Quick Filter section and clicking Go.

Filtering Scans

To filter the list of scans, select from the Quick Filters criteria and click Go. If you do not select a filter, the default is All.

The following filters are available:

  • Search type. Select a search type.
  • Last modified by. Select a specific user who last modified the scans.
  • Tax year. Select the tax year.
  • Hide system scans.

Hiding System-Defined Scans

Click Hide system scans to hide system-defined scans. Only user-created scans will display in the list. This option works with both the Search box and the Quick Filters.