Importing Client Types

CCH Axcess uses client types instead of entity types. There are seven static client types, but your firm may create additional client types using the manual option. Although the utility will match client types where possible, the final decision is yours.

You have two choices for importing the client types: manual and client type import spreadsheet. If your current entity types will map well to the new client types, the manual option is suggested and will require less time. If your entity types are not well-defined or do not map well to the new client types, use the file import option.

Use one of the following procedures to resolve mapping questions and specify whether to keep the old codes as additional information or client groupings:

ClosedManual option

For each Entity Type in the table, verify that the columns contain the correct information for your migration:

  • Client Types. Select a client type to link the entity type to, if needed.
  • Create as New. Select this option to create the entity type as a client type in CCH Axcess. Update the client type name in the New Client Type column if necessary. You can use this new client type during migration for clients without a tax return.
  • Create Custom Field. Select to save the entity type from the existing foundation suite to a custom field available in CCH Axcess Practice.
  • Create Client Group. Select to assign the clients to a client group named with the entity type. The group will be available for filtering and selection purposes.

ClosedImport file option

To use this option, you should have already entered your data in the client type import spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be generated by going to the Prepare staff and client data section on the Welcome window.

  • Select Import the existing foundation client type data, then click Import template.
  • Select to retain existing foundation entity type data in a custom client field and whether to create a client group based on the entity type.
    • Create client custom field. Select to save the entity type from the existing foundation suite to a custom field available in CCH Axcess Practice.
    • Create client group. Select to assign the clients to a client group named with the entity type. The group will be available for filtering and selection purposes.

CCH Axcess Standard Client Types

The standard client types are based on tax types. The following return types are available for each of the standard client types:

Client Type Available Return Types
  • 1040 Individual
  • 5500 Employee Benefit Plan
  • 706/709 Estate & Gift
  • 1120 Corporation
  • 5500 Employee Benefit Plan
  • 990 Exempt Organization
  • 1120S Corporation
  • 1065 Partnership
  • 5500 Employee Benefit Plan
  • 1041 Fiduciary
  • 990 Exempt Organization
  • 706/709 Estate & Gift
  • 990 Exempt Organization
Employee Plan
  • 5500 Employee Benefit Plan