Using the Save Staff Data Spreadsheet

Email addresses are now required for each staff. Data Migration will automatically import staff email addresses from the existing foundation suite in Office Manager > Configure Staff. You will have the ability to change the email addresses before migration.

A utility is included with the Data Migration Utility to assist in adding email addresses and staff IDs while migrating staff.

Note for Tax: Because the earlier tax versions have not required email addresses for staff, this information is not in the migrated tax records. A recent revision allows for the email address to be included in current records for tax preparers. Adding this information to your current database could save time during migration.

Building the spreadsheet

Click Prepare staff and client data on the Welcome window of the Data Migration Utility to open the spreadsheet.

Once you save the spreadsheet, write down the location so you can update the spreadsheet if necessary, and so that you can browse to it from the Data Migration tool when you are ready to import the data.

Adding email addresses

Important: The email address is broken into two fields, separated where the @ sign would normally be. Do not enter the @ sign, and put the domain name (for example, in the second field.

Enter an email address for each staff member. Because most firms will use the same domain name for all staff, the domain has been given its own column. This allows filling the domain name in with copy/paste or with the Edit/Fill. Do not enter the @ symbol. Each email must be in valid email format when combined with the @ and domain name. Email addresses must not have duplicates in either the spreadsheet or the CCH Axcess database.

You may also update names and other data as long as they are not in a gray box. Data in gray boxes is used to identify the staff and cannot be changed.

Important: Do not add or delete lines in this spreadsheet.

Importing the spreadsheet

The spreadsheet with staff data is imported as part of the Staff migration section of the Data Migration Utility.

The Import template button will be unavailable until after you select Import the existing foundation staff data.

Click Import template to bring up the Import window. You will need to browse to the location of the spreadsheet the first time it is used and any time you change its location.

The utility will come back to the import page if data you have entered is not in the proper format or is duplicated.

Note: If you are using the express migration option, you can enter the location of the spreadsheet or click Browse to locate the file.