CCH Axcess iQ FAQs

Q. How do I give staff access to CCH Axcess iQ?

A. Your firm must be licensed for CCH Axcess iQ and Tax must be installed. A staff member with the functional right to assign product licenses can do either of the following:

  • Give access to a single staff member. Open the staff profile, click Licenses/Product access on the navigation panel, and select CCH Axcess iQ.
  • Give access to multiple staff members at one time. On the Dashboard Application Links window, click Licensing and product access under Security, expand CCH Axcess iQ, select staff using the Ctrl key, and click the right arrow.

Q. Why is the number of affected clients on the iQ Events pane greater than the number I see when I open the Affected Clients list?

A. There are two reasons the Affected Clients list number may be lower.

  • The number of clients on the iQ Events pane is not reduced by clients who are secured in a client access group. The Affected Clients list does not include clients who are secured in a client access group.
  • Filtering the Affected Clients list by client responsible staff can reduce the number of clients in that list.

Q. Can I change the criteria on the Affected Clients list?

A. The criteria is defined by the Wolters Kluwer Editorial team and cannot be edited. You can use custom criteria in DataScan to filter a list of clients.

Q. Why is the criteria I see on the Affected Clients list not reduced by the Return Type filter I applied on the iQ Events pane?

A. All clients who have returns that may require or benefit from updates based on new regulation are included in the Affected Clients list, regardless of the iQ Events pane Return Type filter. The Affected Clients list page includes potentially affected clients for all return types that might be otherwise missed. You can click Export to Excel to export the Affected Clients list to an XLS file to sort by and remove a return type.