Overriding the Default Paragraph
If a custom paragraph is created from a standard paragraph, it can be set to override the originating standard paragraph in letter templates for the same tax year, return type, and letter type. When a custom paragraph is selected to override the default paragraph for one or more return configuration sets, the following behavior occurs:
Custom Paragraph Created... | Letter Template in the Library | Generated Letter in the Return |
…for use in standard letters | Does not replace the default paragraph | Replaces the default paragraph |
…for use in custom letters before the custom letter template is created | Does not replace the default paragraph, but can be dragged into the letter template | Replaces the default paragraph, regardless if added to the letter template |
…for use in custom letters after the custom letter template is created | Replaces the default paragraph | Replaces the default paragraph |
To override the default paragraph, do the following:
- Select a custom paragraph that was created from a standard paragraph (shown with pink text in the Paragraph Library).
- Click Override on the Paragraphs tab.
- Select return configuration sets to override the default paragraph. You can also select Override in the column header to select all return configuration sets.
- Click Save.
How Paragraph Suppression Can Affect Rendering of Custom Paragraphs
Refer to the following table to understand how the suppressed state of a standard paragraph can affect the rendering of a custom paragraph that is set to override that standard paragraph.
Custom Paragraph Is… | Default Standard Paragraph Is… | Paragraph Conditions Are… | Generated Letter in the Return |
…added to a custom letter template | ...met | The custom paragraph is generated. | |
…added to the Paragraph Library and set to override the default standard paragraph | …unsuppressed in the standard letter template | ...met | The custom paragraph is generated if both the default paragraph and custom paragraph conditions are met. |
…added to the Paragraph Library and set to override the default standard paragraph | …suppressed in the standard letter template | ...met | The custom paragraph is not generated, regardless if conditions are met. The standard paragraph must be unsuppressed. |
…added to the Paragraph Library and set to override the default standard paragraph | …unsuppressed in the standard letter template | ...not met | The custom paragraph is not generated if either the default paragraph or custom paragraph conditions are not met. |
See Suppressing or Unsuppressing Paragraphs in the Paragraph Library for more information.