Editing Totals on a Template

Do the following to edit the totals section on an invoice template:

  1. On the Labels tab, select the check box for each total to include on invoices. You can also edit the label for a total in the text box next to that total.
  2. On the Courtesy Discount and Taxes tab, select options for each of the following:
    • ClosedShow write down
    • ClosedShow expenses separately from services as one amount
    • ClosedShow taxes
      • As one subtotal when total tax is not zero. Taxes for all tax authorities display as a single amount.
      • For each taxing authority and total tax amount. Each tax authority displays on a separate line, as well as a total for all taxes.

        Note: Progress taxes might be separate totals.

    • ClosedNet current taxes with progress bill taxes
    1. Click Done when you have set the options as needed. You can now add or edit other sections of the invoice template.
    2. Click Save if you are done editing the template.