Managing Tasks

You can assign tasks to yourself and other Portal users from within Portal. To help you manage tasks, Portal includes the following tools:

  • Tasks panel. By default, this collapsible panel displays on the right side of your Home page. The panel contains a list of the next five tasks that you have due. Clicking a task opens a window containing more details. Clicking the more link displays the full Tasks list.

    Note: If the Tasks panel does not display on your Home page, see Customizing Your Home Page with Collapsible Panels for instructions on adding the Tasks panel to your Home page.

  • Tasks list. This page contains a full list of all the tasks created by or assigned to you. It is accessed by clicking the more link on the Tasks panel on the Home page. Your tasks are divided between two tabs:
    • The Assigned to me tab displays a list of tasks that are assigned to you, regardless of whether they were created by you or by another Portal user.

    • The Created by me tab displays a list of tasks that you created, including tasks that you have assigned to other people.

ClosedCreate and assign a task.

  1. Do one of the following to open the New Task window:
    • Click new at the bottom of the Tasks panel.
    • Click more in the Tasks panel on the Home page, and then click New Task.
  2. Enter a title for the task.
  3. Click the User icon () to open the Select user window.
  4. Begin entering the name of the portal that the task is associated with. Portal displays a list of portals matching what you type. Select the correct portal, then click View. A list of users with permission to access that portal displays.
  5. Select the check box nest to each user who should be assigned to the task.
  6. Note: The people to whom you can assign tasks will depend on the role you are assigned.

    • Firm administrators can assign tasks to all other users.
    • Firm users can assign tasks to other firm users and to portal users.
    • Portal administrators and portal users can assign tasks to portal users.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Select the date the task is due.
  9. Enter additional information or instructions for the task in the Details box as needed.
  10. Click Save. A notification is sent automatically to each person assigned to the task.
  11. Click Close.

ClosedEdit or complete a task.

You can edit the details for tasks that you create. If a task that someone else created is assigned to you, you can mark the task completed, but cannot edit any other details for the task.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If the task displays in the Tasks pane on your Home page, click the task link.
    • If the task does not display in the Tasks pane, do the following:
      1. Click the more link in the Tasks pane.
      2. Click the tab that contains the task you want to edit.
      3. Click the View link for the task to edit.
  2. If you created the task, modify the task details as needed.
  3. If you have completed the task, select the Mark this task as complete box.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedDelete a task.

You can delete tasks you created at any time. When you delete a task you created, the task is also removed from the task list for anyone else assigned to the task.

You can delete tasks assigned to you but created by someone else after you have marked them complete. When you delete a completed task, it is removed only from your task list. It is not removed from the creator's task list or from task lists for other people assigned to the task.

  1. After logging in to your portal, click more at the bottom of the Tasks panel.
  2. Click the tab that contains the task you want to delete.
  3. Select the check box for the task to delete.
  4. Click Delete Selected.
  5. Click OKif the system asks you to confirm the deletion.

Note: Completed tasks are removed from the list of tasks automatically after 30 days.

ClosedTell me more about the information displayed on the Tasks list.  

The following information displays for each task in the Task list:

Column Description
Title The title given to the task when it was created.
Created by The name of the person who created the task (available only on the Assigned to me tab).
Assigned to The name of the person you assigned to the task (available only on the Created by me tab). If more than one person is assigned to the task, then a Multiple Users link displays here. Clicking this link opens the Assignments and Completion Dates window, where information for each assignee displays.
Due Date The deadline for completing the task.
View A link that opens a window containing more task details.
Completed on The date the task was completed. If more than one person is assigned to the task, then a Completion Dates link displays here. Clicking this link opens the Assignments and Completion Dates window, where information for each assignee displays.