Select the invoices or charges to be included in the auto-distribute process.
Order to distribute
Select an order in which the invoices will be distributed.
Oldest first. This is the same as First In First Out, or FIFO, distribution.
Latest first. This is the same as Last In First Out, or LIFO, distribution.
Auto-distribute payments in this order
Select an item in the list and click the up or down arrow to change the order in which each charge type will receive distribution of AR.
The distribution of payments looks at the transaction date using the order selected in the Order to distribute option. If more than one item has the same date the distribution order is used for those items.
Note: The Invoice option includes both principal and sales tax. Payments will be applied to sales tax and then to principal.
Specify whether the undistributed payment or credit is to be associated with oldest unpaid invoices or alternately display based on the transaction date.