Use federal
19000 | Total property distributions (including cash) |
19403 | Ordinary income(loss) from trade or business |
19405 | Net short-term capital gain(loss) |
19407 | Net long-term capital gain(loss) |
19409 | Net gain(loss) under Section 1231 - Trade or Business |
19411 | Interest expense on investment debt |
19413 | Interest income |
19415 | Dividend income |
19417 | Royalty income |
19419 | Other portfolio income |
19421 | Deductions related to portfolio income |
19423 | Guaranteed payments |
19425 | Investment expenses included in portfolio deductions |
19427 | Investment income included in portfolio income |
19431 | Net gain(loss) under Section 1231 - Rental Real Estate |
19433 | Net gain(loss) under Section 1231 - Other rental activities |
19435 | Portfolio Deduction - Depreciation |
19437 | Portfolio Deduction - Amortization |
19503 | Section 179 expense deduction |
19505 | Kentucky combination of Schedule K-1 lines, KY Sch K, Line 18 |
19509 | Net income(loss) from rental real estate activity |
19511 | Income(loss) from other rental activity |
19513 | Other income |
19515 | Other deductions |
19517 | Federal combination of Schedule K-1 lines, KY Sch K, Line 19 |
19519 | Charitable contributions and housing for the homeless deduction |
19533 | Total expenditures to which a 59(e) election may apply |
19534 | Dividend U.S. bond interest |
19535 | Tax-exempt interest income |
19537 | Nondeductible expenses |
19539 | Other tax-exempt income |
19559 | Other Information - Sec. 179 Recapture from Disposition of Property |
19561 | Other Information |
19563 | Other Information - Commercial Revitalization Ded. from Rental Activities |
19571 | Short term gain rolled over on qualified small business stock |
19573 | Long term gain rolled over on qualified small business stock |
19575 | Short term gain on qualified small business stock |
19577 | Long term gain on qualified small business stock |
19579 | Section 1202 gain from capital gain distributions on qualified |
19589 | Deductions related to portfolio income subject to 2% floor |
19591 | Portfolio royalty deductions |
19231 | Ethanol tax credit |
19233 | Cellulosic Ethanol tax credit |
19429 | Qualified Research Facility tax credit |
19480 | New Markets Development Program tax credit |
19481 | Inventory (Ad Valorem) tax credit |
19482 | Upgraded Insulation Costs (5695-K, Line 6)e |
19483 | Clean coal incentive tax credit |
19484 | Energy-efficient windows/storm door (5695-K, Line 12) |
19486 | Energy property credit (5695-K, Line 18) |
19488 | Single family solar system credit (5695-K, Line 36) |
19489 | Single family solar system credit(5695-K, Line 36) |
19490 | Multifamily/Commercial solar system credit (5695-K, Line 51) |
19491 | Multifamily/Commercial solar photo cr (5695-K, Line 51) |
19492 | Commercial Energy-Efficient lighting system (5695-K, Line 57) |
19493 | Energy Efficient Heat\cool\vent\water system (5695-K, Line 63) |
19494 | Energy Star Home tax credit |
19495 | Small Business Investment credit |
19507 | Unemployment tax credit |
19531 | Recycling and/or Composting tax credit |
19578 | Endowment Kentucky tax credit |
19580 | KBI Economic Development tax credit |
19581 | Investment Fund tax credit |
19582 | Railroad maintenance and improvement credit |
19583 | Skills Training Investment Tax Credit |
19584 | Railroad expansion tax credit |
19585 | Coal incentive tax credit |
19586 | KRA Economic Development tax credit |
19587 | GED Incentive tax credit |
19590 | Certified rehabilitation tax credit |
19592 | Voluntary environmental remediation tax credit |
19593 | Biodiesel credit |
19595 | KIRA Economic Development tax credit |
19596 | KJDA Economic Development tax credit |
19597 | KREDA Economic Development tax credit |
19598 | Certified rehabilitation tax credit refundable |
19599 | Film industry tax credit refundable |
19251 | LLET total sales |
19253 | LLET Kentucky sales |
19255 | LLET total property |
19257 | LLET Kentucky property |
19259 | LLET total payroll |
19261 | LLET Kentucky payroll |
19263 | LLET total gross receipts |
19265 | LLET Kentucky gross receipts |
19267 | LLET total gross profits |
19269 | LLET Kentucky gross profits |
19271 | LLET nonrefundable credit |
19439 | Kentucky distributive share income subject to withholding - override |
19441 | Deductions allowable under KRS 141.010(10) |
19443 | Credits - override |
19445 | Gain/loss on sale of Section 179 property - override |
19447 | Section 179 recapture - override |
19301 | Partnership income - override |
Use these Kentucky allocation codes when Section 754 amounts are entered
19521 | Section 754 Rental Real Estate Depreciation |
19523 | Section 754 Other rental Depreciation |
19527 | Section 754 Trade or Business Rentals Depreciation |
19541 | Section 754 Page 1 Depreciation |
19543 | Section 754 Cost of Goods Sold Depreciation |
19545 | Section 754 Schedule F/4835 Depreciation |
19547 | Section 754 Schedule F/4835 Amortization |
19549 | Section 754 Portfolio Deduction Depreciation |
19550 | Section 754 Royalty Depreciation |
19551 | Section 754 Page 1 Amortization |
19553 | Section 754 Portfolio Deduction Amortization |
19555 | Section 754 Cost of Goods Sold Amortization |
19557 | Section 754 Rental Amortization |
19558 | Section 754 Royalty Amortization |
Use these Kentucky allocation codes when DPAD amounts are entered
19201 | DPAD Domestic production gross receipts |
19203 | DPAD Non-domestic production gross receipts |
19205 | DPAD Allocable cost of goods sold |
19207 | DPAD Total cost of goods sold |
19209 | DPAD Apportionable cost of goods sold |
19211 | DPAD Directly allocable expenses |
19213 | DPAD Other non-apportionable expenses |
19215 | DPAD Other apportionable expenses |
19217 | DPAD Interest expense |
19219 | DPAD Form W-2 wages |
19221 | DPAD Allocable assets - QPAI |
19223 | DPAD Allocable assets - Non-QPAI |
19225 | DPAD Qualified production activities income |
19227 | DPAD Employer's W-2 Wages |
For additional information concerning special allocations and, the various special allocation methods, refer to the instructions for federal
When the Kentucky amounts are the same as the federal amounts, including activity information , we allocate the following items, using the federal allocation method, for federal and Kentucky purposes:
Multiple activity statements are NOT produced for the Kentucky return.
If the Kentucky and federal amounts are different, and multiple activity allocation is used for the federal return, the Kentucky return defaults to the regular profit and loss sharing ratio.
To specially allocate multiple activities for the Kentucky return, the Kentucky special allocation codes must be used on
See Also
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