CCH Axcess Tax

Electronic Filing - Form 8879-PE Questions

Q. Does the taxpayer need to sign Form 1065 as well as Form 8879-PE or 8879-B?

A. The taxpayer does not have to sign Form 1065. The IRS considers the signature on Form 8879-PE to be equivalent to signing Form 1065. The Form 8879-B is the signature document for Form 1065-B.

Q. To what IRS service center should the Form 8879-PE be sent?

A. Form 8879-PE or 8879-B should not be mailed. The signed form is retained by the Electronic Return Originator.

Q. If a form or document needs to be signed, should it be sent to IRS with Form 8879-PE or Form 8879-B?

A. No. You should create a PDF file of the form or document and then attach the forms and schedules requiring a signature to the return by using the PDF attachments input form.

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