CCH Axcess Tax

Ohio Cities General Information

Resident City Code

Enter the resident city code on federal Basic Data worksheet, General section, Resident city field. A city code must also be entered on Ohio Cities worksheet, General section, City code field to prepare an Ohio city tax return. These entries are mandatory to obtain a resident city return. An Ohio Cities worksheet, General section must be prepared for each Ohio city that is present in the return.

Default: If Resident city field on federal Basic Data worksheet, General section is blank or does not contain a valid Ohio city code, all Ohio city codes entered on Ohio Cities worksheet, General section for this taxpayer will be processed as nonresident returns.

The following Ohio city tax forms are prepared:

Form Description
EXT Generalized Extension Payment Voucher
PV Generalized Electronic Filing Payment Voucher
R Generalized Income Tax Return
D-1 Generalized Estimated Income Tax Declaration 1, 2, 3, & 4
Q-1 Generalized Estimated Income Tax Vouchers 2, 3, & 4
AKR IR Akron Income Tax Return
AKR K Akron Income from Partnerships & S-Corporations
AKR SE Akron Income from Self-Employment and Rental
AKR D-1 Akron Declaration of Estimated Income Tax Vouchers 1, 2, 3, & 4
CIN E-1 Cincinnati Extension Request Form
CIN PV Cincinnati Electronic Filing Payment Voucher
CIN Cincinnati Income Tax Return
CIN D-1 Cincinnati Declaration of Estimated Income Tax and Vouchers 1, 2, 3, & 4
CCA 120-16-IR Cleveland CCA Income Tax Return and Tax Estimat
COL IR-42 Columbus Application for Filing Extension
COL IR-25 Columbus Income Tax Return
COL IR-21 Columbus Declaration of Estimate and Voucher 1
COL IR-18 Columbus Statement of Estimate and Vouchers 2, 3, & 4
DAY D1-X Dayton Request for Extension
DAY PV Dayton Electronic Filing Payment Voucher
DAY R-I Dayton Income Tax Return
DAY D1/DCM Dayton Declaration of Estimated Income Tax and Vouchers 1, 2, 3, & 4
HAM 4868-H Hamilton Request for Extension
HAM PV Hamilton Electronic Filing Payment Voucher
HAM IR Hamilton Personal Income Tax Return
TOL Toledo Income Tax Return
TOL D-1 Toledo Declaration of Estimated Income Tax Vouchers 1, 2, 3, & 4
RITA EXTEN RITA Application for Extension of Time to File
RITA 06 RITA Electronic Filing Payment Voucher
RITA 37 RITA Income Tax Return and Estimated Tax

Federal forms and schedules will be provided with the Ohio city income tax return.

Generally only one city return will be prepared for each city code. Some Independent Community (generalized Form R) cities require separate returns for married filing joint taxpayers. When both spouses from a married filing joint return are required to file city returns for the same city a separate Ohio Cities worksheet must be prepared for each taxpayer. All income must be coded to the proper owner. Joint income is split evenly between taxpayer and spouse.

Other City Returns

To prepare returns for Ohio cities other than those listed, the municipality codes of 960 through 965 may be used. For two such cities, use 960 and 961; for three, use 960, 961 and 962, etc. Since tax data is not maintained for these cities, the tax rate, resident tax credit rate, credit limit rate, name of the municipality, and filing address must be entered on Ohio Cities worksheet, General section, Name of municipality field, Tax rate field, Resident tax credit rate field, Credit limit rate field, Return filing address fields and Estimate filing address if different than filing address fields. If these boxes are blank, the "other" city return cannot be properly prepared. The rate entries must be in decimal format; i.e., 1.25% would be 0.0125. Zero is a valid entry.

Any returns and estimates produced with municipality codes of 960 through 965 are printed on the generalized Form R city return, Form D-1, and Q-1 estimate forms only. Ohio Cities worksheet, Estimate preparation section, Date due overrides fields, may be used to override the generalized estimate voucher due dates.

City Codes on Federal Interview Forms

Most categories of income which are taxable to Ohio cities can be identified on the federal worksheets by entering a valid Ohio city code in the city code field of the federal worksheet.

City codes may be entered on the following federal worksheets for Ohio city returns:

Description Form
Business income Business worksheet
Farm income Farm worksheet
Miscellaneous income Other income worksheet
Passthrough income Partnership, Fiduciary, S Corporation or Large partnership passthrough worksheets
Rental income Rent and Royalty worksheet
Wages, city wages and municipal tax withheld Wages, salaries, and tips worksheet
Employee business expense Employee business expenses worksheet
1040 Adjustments Other adjustments worksheet
Form 4797 and Form 4684 Gains and losses, Installment sales, and LIke-kind exchanges worksheets
Extension Requests Other Worksheet
NOL Net operating loss worksheet

All income taxable to Ohio cities entered on federal worksheets with a blank city code will carry to the resident city return. Income entered with a city code will carry to the coded city return and the resident city return if applicable. This entry scheme applies to items of income only. It does not apply to local tax withholding, other tax payments, footnotes, credits or additional taxes since these items relate to only the indicated city.

If the resident city should not use blank city coded entries, an "X" must be entered on Ohio Cities worksheet, General section, Resident cities to use only city coded entries field. If an item of income should not carry to any Ohio city return, an "XXX" should be entered in the city code field for that item.

Note: If IRS W-2 wage income listed in Section A of RITA Form 37 was not earned evenly throughout the year, the "from" and "through" dates in which that income was earned will need to be entered through the government form screen on Form 37, Section A, Row 6 after the return has been calculated.

Filing Status Optimization

Refer to the explanation of the processing options related to Filing Status Optimization.

FS and City Coding

The "FS" and "City" fields provide the ability to control which entries carry to the federal or city tax return.

FS Code City Code Action
blank blank Federal and home city
blank Res City Federal and home city
blank NonRes City Federal, home city and indicated city
F blank Federal and home city
F Res City Federal and home city
F NonRes City Federal, home city and indicated city
S blank State only
S Res City State and home city only
S NonRes City State and indicated city only

This entry scheme applies to items of income only.

The first column is the "FS" code. The word "blank" indicates no entry was made in the "FS" Code field. The only other possible entries are "F" or "S".

The second column is the city code. The word "blank" indicates no entry was made. "Res City" represents the city entered as the resident city on the Basic Data worksheet, General section. "NonRes City" represents any city code that is used in the return but is not entered as the resident city on the Basic Data worksheet, General section.

The third column specifies the returns that will include the entries in the related fields following the "FS" and "City" entries.

Resident City Code: Enter the resident city code on the federal General worksheet, Basic Data section, Resident city field. A city code must also be entered on the Ohio Cities worksheet, General section, City code field, to preparer an Ohio city return. If the federal General worksheet, Basic Data section, Resident city field is blank or does not contain a valid Ohio city code, all Ohio city returns for this taxpayer will be processed as nonresident returns.

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