CCH Axcess Tax

Multiple State Apportionment and Allocation

On the Common State category, Allocation and Apportionment worksheet, various sections, a detail code is entered at the head of each column, and the amount for each state is entered on the line for that state. The total everywhere amount will be computed as the sum of the entries for each state, plus entries for foreign and other. Detail codes are provided for each category of property, sales and payroll. The Common State category, Total Everywhere Overrides worksheet is available to override the total everywhere amounts for each factor.

These entries are used to compute Wisconsin apportionment and allocation:


Use the Common State category, Allocation and Apportionment worksheet, Allocation section to enter the following codes:

Gain (loss) on real and tangible personal property

Real property - gain (loss)

Tangible personal prop. - gain (loss)

Also enter all income realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent sale or redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in Wisconsin.

Rents and Royalties

Rents - real property

Rents - tangible personal property

Royalties - real property

Royalties - tangible personal property

Net nonbusiness income/loss Computed or TOTAL and Common State category, Total Everywhere Overrides worksheet


Use the Common State category, Allocation and Apportionment worksheet, Property Factor section to enter the following codes:

Land Land
Buildings Buildings
Furniture and fixtures Furniture and fixtures
Transportation equipment Transportation and delivery equipment
Machinery and equipment



Other assets

Other depreciable assets

Depletable assets

Leasehold improvements


Other tangible property

Inventories Inventories
Total owned property Computed or TOTAL and Common State category, Total Everywhere Overrides worksheet
Rental property

Real property rented (system x 8)

Tangible prop rent (sys x 8)

Total property Computed or TOTAL and Common State category, Total Everywhere Overrides worksheet


Use the Common State category, Allocation and Apportionment worksheet, Payroll Factor section and the Apportionment/AllocationMisc. worksheet to enter the following codes:

Wages, salaries

Included in cost of goods sold

Included in cost of operations

Included in compensation of officers

Included in salesmen's salaries

Included in salesmen's commissions

Included in general and administrative

Included in repairs

Included in others

Fees to affiliated corps

Apportionment/Allocation >Allocation and Apportionment - State Specific Information> Apportionment>Misc. worksheet - Wisconsin

code FEE

Total payroll Computed or TOTAL and Common State category, Total Everywhere Overrides worksheet


Use the Common State category, Allocation and Apportionment worksheet, Sales Factor section and the Apportionment/Allocation > State Specific Information > Misc. worksheet to enter the following codes:

Delivered from outside WI Sales - outside to within state
Delivered from within WI Sales - within to within state
Delivered/shipped from WI to U.S. govt Sales - within to U.S. Government
Sales to federal govt in a state where you are not taxable Apportionment/Allocation Misc. worksheet - Wisconsin
Sales to purchasers in a state where you are not taxable Sales - within to nontaxable jurisdiction
Other business income receipts




Receipts from service

Other receipts

Double throwback sales


Misc. worksheet - Wisconsin with code THROWD

Total sales Computed or TOTAL and Common State category, Total Everywhere Overrides worksheet


Use the Common State category, Allocation and Apportionment worksheet, Payroll Factor section and the Apportionment/Allocation Misc. worksheet to enter the following codes:

Direct premiums written Direct premiums written
Premiums assumed Premiums assumed

Note: Special apportionment used by air carriers, motor carriers, insurance corporations, etc. must have a code entered on Wisconsin > Income/Deductions > Specialized Industries Apportionment. Broker\Dealers and Interstate financial institutions must enter their information on the Wisconsin Income / Deductions worksheet, Allocation and Apportionment section.

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