Checking Files In or Out

Files stored in the portal can be checked out for review or editing. When a file is checked out, no other user can check out the file. The icon displays next to the file name when the file is checked out.

Note: The icon that displays for the files you have checked out is bolder than the icon used for files other users have checked out.

  • Icon for files you have checked out
  • Icon for files other people have checked out

ClosedCheck out a file.

  1. Locate the file on the Files page.
  2.  Do one of the following, depending on the type of device you are using:
    • Desktop computer. Select the check box for the file to be checked out. Then, click the button above the file list and click Check Out.
    •  Tablet or phone. Tap the button next to the file you want to check out, and then select Check Out.
  3. If needed, enter the date when the file is due to be checked in.
  4. Click or tap Check Out.

ClosedCheck in a file.

  1. Locate the file on the Files page.
  2.  Do one of the following, depending on the type of device you are using:
    • Desktop computer. Select the check box for the file to be checked in. Then, click the button above the file list and click Check In.
    •  Tablet or phone. Tap the button next to the file you want to check out, and then select Check In.
  3. Click Browse to navigate to the file you're checking in.
  4. Click Check In.

ClosedCancel a check out.

  1. Locate the file on the Files page.
  2.  Do one of the following, depending on the type of device you are using:
    • Desktop computer. Select the check box for the checked out file. Then, click the button above the file list and click Cancel Check Out.
    •  Tablet or phone. Tap the button next to the file you want to check out, and then select Cancel Check Out.